diy solar

diy solar

I've always wanted to do this!


Autonomy Expert
Jan 24, 2021
Ok. So my guy brain has always wanted to take my light bar and side by side and shine it on my solar panels to see what happens. Today after pulling the kiddos around on the infinite snow hill (the sled) Curiosity got the best of me! Interesting! I wonder if I wired up 10000 watts of led lighting and hit the panels with a truck what would happen!

I haven't clamped the light bar to check wattage but it's rated for 240 watts of I remember correctly. Solar was at 0 prior obviously and that's the only light I had on.
Would be interestign to see what would happen. Especially if you could get wattage in and wattage out.

I saw a YouTube video about camping underneath a light at a Walmart. For that video, produced 24 watts of power. For my fifth wheel, that would cover idle draw. On several cloudy days with a couple of golf cart batteries for power, that could help.
Tell Will to max out an array in pitch black using all LED for his 2024 video!

if only we could concentrate the photons from the full moon! I've seen 10 watts coming in from the full moon!
My house is on the top of a hill inland high altitude and usually much clear weather at night.
I get around 14-20w just from moon and starlight.
So 240w of lights divided by 46w produced is 19% which is about as efficient as panels get, and you weren't even hitting all the panels. I'd call that a success!
I was shocked to see that much efficiency!

I am going to clamp the cable on that bar to check actual amperage draw next time I'm out! It would be pretty interesting to get peak efficiency from the panels even when all that light is flooding out over the other panels onto the trees

Someone needs to make a photon collector apparatus and concentrate the moons light for more night power! I only run 500-600watts overnight. It would take much to satisfy the loads!
I bet he used a really big magnifying glass, he could have perpetual free energy.
Don't go down the perpetual energy rabbit hole. Next thing you'll be telling me the world is flat 🤡 🌎
The earth doesn't spin, the universe moves all around it randomly. Relativity from a different perspective is amazing.

diy solar

diy solar