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diy solar

KiloVault HXL+ 3600 batteries technical support and firmware update


New Member
Jul 9, 2024
Lake Pleasant NY
Re KiloVault HXL+ 3600 batteries - now that Altestore and KiloVault went into bankruptcy recently- there is no more technical support and warranty by the new owner of Altestoreor or the defunct KiloVault LLC - the "buy one and get two" battery push by Altestore earlier this year should have forwarned us naive user/buyer - but therer was no formal warning or information from the seller - other than "we are overstocked" -
my grid tie 49 V Schneider XWPro 6848 system with a BMS and two solar chargers seems not to like the suggested KiloVault settings - they appear to me to be conflicting and somewaht different depending what KiloVault manual or video you use.

Question - i live in the Adirondack - Speculator NY - anyone close-by who could assist me on site?

Does anyone have a firmware update system to sell or to lend out?
I saw that sale in January, sad that it went down like that 5 months later, very sleazy, so much for a 7 year warranty. I did the math and even with the sale it was still pricier than if I DIY.

“Seems not to like the suggested KiloVault settings”

Could this be more vague?

Could you provide the settings you’re using?

Could you provide symptoms/issues you are seeing?

Are the batteries going into high voltage protection when trying to charge?

My random guess is cells are unbalanced and need a solid top up and bake at 3.4v/cell to bring things back in.

Do these and a BMS app you can use to monitor each cell voltage?

Worse case you can open up the battery (no warranty to worry about voiding) and then swap out the BMS for a unit that does have support and put those cells to good use.
Thank you Solar Wizard NH - at this point my system (Schneider 2x XW6848, BMS, 2 MPPT60, SCP) seems to be working with it during the daytime with the solar panel providing charge - but then later in evening i get error messages "MPPT DC Over-voltage shutdown", and "DC Over-current nvshutdown" - i followed the KiloVault 3600 HLX setting recommendation (revised 2021-05) : 2 Stage; rechaerge 51V, low bat cut out 48V, Inverter LBCO 48 V, HBCO 57.6V, Bulk 56.4, Absorb 56.4, Bulk Term 55.6 V. For the solar charge units i followed the KiloVault User Manual HLX+ User Manual 2023-02-08.pdf - since you asked for specifics -any thoughts and suggestions appreciated.

Does anyone have a firmware update system to sell or to lend out?

So these 3600 units you have, they are natively 12v and you are running 4 of them in series? Do you have any balancing device between the 4 batteries?

Do you have screen shots of the individual BMS and cell voltages?

Does you Schneider charge the batteries after the sun goes down?
Hi, I'm with GigaWatt. We own and operate 3 DIY Solar brands including GoGreenSolar, Unbound Solar and now AlteStore. We purcahsed the brand and website of AlteStore. Kilovault is unfortunately no longer in business.

The previous management team of Altestore and Kilovault had no idea they were going to be shut down. They were in the middle of a work out program with their bank and the bank decided to pull the plug on the company without warning.

GigaWatt has an experienced off-grid tech that has been working in off-grid for over 16 years and is an expert in battery based systems espeically with Outback, Schneider and Magnum equipment. If you can't figure out your issues with the community here. We can offer you to purcahse a support package from us and we can book some time with our tech so he can help you trobuleshoot your issue.

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