diy solar

diy solar

Looking to Match SCC to Solar Panels


More Power Scottie!!!
Feb 17, 2020
Hello folks. Looking to the Braintrust for some help. I recently bought four used panels off FB Marketplace. They are 305w LG panels...VOC 40.0v, ISC 10.1a, Vmpp 32.1v, and Immp 9.52v. I think I got a great price ($80/panel) on them as they all tested very close to the specs. Now I need to upgrade my SCC which is the EPever 3210...100v/30a.

I don't plan on a permanent install. I am a "retired hobbiest", and simply dabbling at this point...something to keep my brain active. I currently have several LiFePO4 packs that I DIY'd...a 280Ah and 100Ah. Both packs are configured for 12v. I will likely simply lean/affix the panels to my wooden fence at this point. Not sure if I'll put them all in series, or a 2s/2p configuration. The setup will be completely off-grid. I am also a Ham and an RVer. So, at times some of these components will go with me for Field Operations.

So my question is...what would be a good SCC controller to match these panels and my DIY battery packs? My understanding is I'll need a SCC in the 150v/100a range. I am not looking for the BEST at a premium price. But a good SCC at a reasonable price. In other words, I seek the "knee-of-the-curve" where I can get good performance at a reasonable price before the curve spikes upward for marginable additional performance gain at significant additional cost. Oh...and also I'd like Bluetooth or preferably WIFI access to the SCC...but this is a Desirement, not a Requirement.

Your insight and helpful comments will be very appreciated.

Thank you!!!
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Can two SCCs be connected to same battery? If i want to use just one SCC for simplicity, would you have a recommendation?

1220W/14.5V = 84A

Victron makes a 150/85.
I think you can keep what you got....2s2p will give you 20 amps and 64 volts....I see no problems.

diy solar

diy solar