diy solar

diy solar

Maxing out PV power, extended time on the red


New Member
Jun 12, 2024
So yesterday was the first really sunny weather since we got the battery and PV power was maxed out! And it was staying on the 6-6.5kW range in 3 hours or so until the battery was full. However, someone told me that maxing out PV input on extended periods is bad for the inverter, just like putting the car in red for extended periods. Then again, I read somewhere in this forum to max it out when there is opportunity for it.

Basically I'd like to ask if this is okay or should I limit max PV power? Planning to get another battery soon as well as net metering so I am expecting time on max will probably get longer. Thoughts?

Set-up is currently 7S2P 550w panels. I might change it up to 6S2P.

A system should be able to handle a full day of solar production. That's kind of the whole point of them.
Figured they can, and I wasn't worried about it until someone said it's bad for the inverter. It's good to know other people's opinion and experiences though.
Figured they can, and I wasn't worried about it until someone said it's bad for the inverter. It's good to know other people's opinion and experiences though.

If the hybrid inverter overheats from that normal use, then it simply wasn't a very good inverter.

Just think of all the systems that export back to the grid. They are running at max PV all day every day whenever it's sunny.
Living in the hottest place in the country puts the inverter at a disadvantage though, so I have to manage temp more than others. Feedback here will also help decide what type of cooling device I'd install if needed.

diy solar

diy solar