diy solar

diy solar

Maybe now that CNN is finally saying it, the lefties will finally listen

The point I am trying to make with this:
Is that the obese person has abused themselves to the point that they require a "performance enhancing drug" to simply be on par with a "normal" person (and normal is not even healthy) but they are insisting the "normal" person also take the performance enhancing drug as well.

I want to be normal.
Can I just eat healthy and take care of myself? Why make that effort when I can just get a shot instead?
Can I get vaccinated so I won't be obese and won't catch Moronicon and won't catch whatever the next thing is?
Oh, I forgot the vacs don't prevent the illness. Damn, I could swear the theys said it would.

I need the performance enhancing drug like I need another hole in my head. ?
The concept that the unvaccinated are the ones spreading Covid has been used several times in this thread.
In reference to the study, the study posted, linked in the article, which referenced studies during DELTA not OMICRON

You don't seem to realize that vaccinated obese people are spreading the virus more than healthy people who don't need the vaccine ....
You don't seem to read my posts because I completely agree that obese people are a significant part of the problem, but I already know you don't read my posts other than to see if you are mentioned, and that you don't bother responding to my questions or points because you don't feel it is worthwhile.

Yet, the healthy unvaccinated people are the ones being vilified.
Glad you read the posts where I very clearly outlined my thoughts on that.

If you look at the numbers pre-omicron ... there is no correlation to spread of cases and % of population vaccinated.
Are you serious? It is statements like these that show how little people really think about things.

Take 1000 vaccinated people pre-omicron and fully expose them to covid, lets say you get ~ 100 people infected.
Take 1000 unvaccinated people pre-omicron and fully expose them to covid, and you get?? more than 100 infected, I wont bother trying to speculate how many fight it off on their own.

So which is more likely to spread covid more? 100 people? or 100+N people?

If you are referring to vaccinated with covid spreading it, vs unvaccinated with covid spreading it, there is no firm consensus on viral loads, probably because it takes a higher viral load to break through the partial immunity granted by the vaccine.

You just don't like it when I come into a conversation because I have posted evidence that shows your arguments don't hold water.
No, honestly Bob, I don't like it when you come into a conversation because you make wild claims, don't read the posts fully, refuse to respond to difficult points, and in general add more misinformation to the discussion than anything else.
In reference to the study, the study posted, linked in the article, which referenced studies during DELTA not OMICRON

You don't seem to read my posts because I completely agree that obese people are a significant part of the problem, but I already know you don't read my posts other than to see if you are mentioned, and that you don't bother responding to my questions or points because you don't feel it is worthwhile.

Glad you read the posts where I very clearly outlined my thoughts on that.

Are you serious? It is statements like these that show how little people really think about things.

Take 1000 vaccinated people pre-omicron and fully expose them to covid, lets say you get ~ 100 people infected.
Take 1000 unvaccinated people pre-omicron and fully expose them to covid, and you get?? more than 100 infected, I wont bother trying to speculate how many fight it off on their own.

So which is more likely to spread covid more? 100 people? or 100+N people?

If you are referring to vaccinated with covid spreading it, vs unvaccinated with covid spreading it, there is no firm consensus on viral loads, probably because it takes a higher viral load to break through the partial immunity granted by the vaccine.

No, honestly Bob, I don't like it when you come into a conversation because you make wild claims, don't read the posts fully, refuse to respond to difficult points, and in general add more misinformation to the discussion than anything else.

You seem to think everything is about YOU .... did I mention YOU when I said the argument had been used several times .... don't be so defensive .... after all, YOU were the one who was trying to vilify me.

You guys are kings of Google to find any shred of an online opinion that supports what you want to think ... You should be able to find that data that I have posted before.
You seem to think everything is about YOU .... did I mention YOU when I said the argument had been used several times .... don't be so defensive .... after all, YOU were the one who was trying to vilify me.

You guys are kings of Google to find any shred of an online opinion that supports what you want to think ... You should be able to find that data that I have posted before.
Here is one I found with a quick search ... probably not the one I posted before.

In addition to the extreme high costs and the relative poor outcomes, the American health care system can and does discriminate based on preconditions. Insurance companies there will raise the costs of premiums and give discounts to people who did get vaccinated. Singapore which has universal health care is charging the unvaccinated COVID patients for hospital stay.

For reasons I can't work out, the people who believe in conspiracy theories are the ones refusing the vaccines, in addition to them dying in far greater numbers, they are going to pay the price.

I wonder what is next, a tent in a parking lot, with preachers attending to the sick, giving the patients their medicine of choice, regardless if it is bleach or horse dewormer? Maybe the ones who have the money will find propper help at a premium?

I doubt we will be that cruel, and most likely we will start training nurses and doctors, raise their pay and conditions. The rich countries will import the skilled workers (immigration. All of a sudden be welcome), the poor countries will have a lot longer to catch up.
Obesity is a factor in vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency which is a major co morbidity. Vit D levels can be tested, and supplementation is extremely affordable.
the American health care system can and does discriminate based on preconditions. Insurance companies there will raise the costs of premiums and give discounts to people who did get vaccinated.
Which insurance company in the US gives a discount for anything, much less a vaccination? Premiums keep going up by double digits. The whole premise of the ACA was to lump the entire country into four groups: smoking/non-smoking and male/female. Preconditions are no longer a consideration.
Which insurance company in the US gives a discount for anything, much less a vaccination? Premiums keep going up by double digits. The whole premise of the ACA was to lump the entire country into four groups: smoking/non-smoking and male/female. Preconditions are no longer a consideration.
Blue Cross Blue Shield? Just because the marketplace exists doesn't mean you have to use it. Go through insurance company directly if you don't want a neutered overpriced plan meant for people with pre-existing conditions
Blue Cross Blue Shield? Just because the marketplace exists doesn't mean you have to use it. Go through insurance company directly if you don't want a neutered overpriced plan meant for people with pre-existing conditions
Nope. BCBS in my state will not sell insurance that includes any mention of conditions. They ask you your age, sex, and whether you smoked (ever). The premium for two healthy, mature adults on a very high deductible (around $6,800 each) plan is over $20,000 per year. Basically, that means that we pay over $20,000 to the insurance company so that we can pay for all of our health care out of pocket.
Again you are asking if obese people are stupid too, and I was pointing out that the difficulty of self-restraint, weight loss, exercise isn't as simple as taking a shot, so you are comparing two unequal options and asking if classifying one group as stupid is the same as classifying another with a different answer to a problem, as stupid...

If you want a simple answer, yes fatties stupid, but not as stupid as high risk people not taking vaccines.

Are people who refuse to vaccinate stupid if they have low risk? No... Are they potentially selfish? Yes..... If you will grant me the vaccine has a 1 / 1000 chance of effecting you negatively, but taking it has a 1 / 100 chance of effecting someone positively, it isn't a moral obligation to take the vaccine if it poses limited benefit to you, but it is a moral virtue in my eyes.

I don't agree with the government mandating it but I am fine with businesses, churches, groups of friends, clubs, gyms, etc mandating it if they want to.
I was trying to find this yesterday but could not for the life of me remember who Goggins wrote it to. Then this morning a cartoon version showed up in suggestions on youtube. How fortuitous!

This is what every overweight person should wake up to:

Cartoon version posted today:

Before anyone whines about how David Goggins must be so special, watch the last video, learn his history and go feel pathetic for being so soft.
