diy solar

diy solar

MC4 scam buster - what you have all been waiting for

Well there you go Bananarama and why I have been banging on about this travesty. Imagine you are a commercial business with these products and customers complain about faulty connectors. You are faced with cost of replacements, loss of brand image, insurance claims for melted parts and so on. What a nightmare way to run a business. Getting up on pitched roofs to locate these parts hidden under panels - work all under guarantee. In the States its all highly geared to blame and claim $$$$$$ lawyers

Maybe my mickey mouse solution you all rubbished in my OP starts to make sense. Its bomb proof (with a few mods - feel free to tinker and report back)
Well there you go Bananarama and why I have been banging on about this travesty. Imagine you are a commercial business with these products and customers complain about faulty connectors. You are faced with cost of replacements, loss of brand image, insurance claims for melted parts and so on. What a nightmare way to run a business. Getting up on pitched roofs to locate these parts hidden under panels - work all under guarantee. In the States its all highly geared to blame and claim $$$$$$ lawyers
I'm not telling anybody how to run their business but any contractors stocking their truck from scam-azon or Evil Bay is probably a fly by night not expecting repeat business NOT how I was taught to operate.

As long as you can produce a high quality product regardless the price you will never have to advertise. No compromise+No worry

Don't use the L word.
dems fight-n words
Problem I found was actually finding a proper source from a German source) for authentic Staubli MC4s very expensive
Eh, I'm in the UK and there are plenty of places that sell Genuine MC4 pairs. we use hundreds per week. Segen, Midsummer Wholesale, CEF, bimble Solar to name a few. The humble MC4 doesn't need reinventing, just need to be genuine and made off properly
Eh, I'm in the UK and there are plenty of places that sell Genuine MC4 pairs. we use hundreds per week. Segen, Midsummer Wholesale, CEF, bimble Solar to name a few. The humble MC4 doesn't need reinventing, just need to be genuine and made off properly
How do you know its genuine? Evidence?

OK I checked Bimble here is the result (what they dont tell you)

Crimping needs professional tools with precision anvils and tolerances - else they dont work and clamp properly


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diy solar

diy solar