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Micro Inverter other than Enphase and APSystems


New Member
Nov 27, 2021
Hello, are there any competitors that make micro inverter expect Enphase and APsystem UL Listed for USA?

I think there Chinese Daforn or Ging but don't seem to able to find them. Possibly it seems like the above 2 are main options for Micro-Inverters?
Funny I was just looking at the Darfon website earlier today. Renvu in Mountain View, CA lists Darfon microinverters on their website.

There was also another post on the Forum today regarding Hoymiles microinverters.

EDIT: I believe Darfon is a Taiwanese company. They do seem to have an office in the US as well.
Hello, are there any competitors that make micro inverter expect Enphase and APsystem UL Listed for USA?

I think there Chinese Daforn or Ging but don't seem to able to find them. Possibly it seems like the above 2 are main options for Micro-Inverters?

and Deye.

I have both, and they work well for me. But as you said, Enphase seems to have most of the microinverter market in the USA. AP is a distant second.
I have general comments on micro inverters. They are mounted UNDER panels so replacing a failed unit will be a BPITA! Enphase of course maps the inverters via serial numbers so a failed unit can be identified and replaced after removing the panel. BIG JOB and this is located on a roof to make things dangerous.

I have Enphase inverters (IQ8A's). At the moment Enphase has a very good reputation so why would one want to go with a new company and take a reliability risk? I changed from IQ8+ before my installation to A's and am glad I did. The plus (+) inverters have a maximum output power of only 295W which is fine maybe for 350 watt panels. I have 400W Canadians that have PTC rating of almost 370W so I do not expect much clipping. I strongly recommend inverters whose output power limitations closely match the panel's PTC rather than the MNOT ratings to avoid serious clipping.
Hoymiles, HMS-2000-4T-NA is a beast!
UL1741SB, IEEE 1547, CEC approved

I just hooked one up to 2 x 405W panels, and it is pulling 423W from a single panel!

View attachment 136564View attachment 136565

Pretty impressive. Looks like you are getting more into Hoymiles.

Do you know if the Hoymiles DTU allows full local network access *without* Internet connectivity (e.g. permanently off-grid in terms of network)? Also, does the DTU provide a local web interface or requires an app/cloud for full functionality (including admin/config)?
That's nice and it appears to have SunSpec support as well.
For clarification, does the local web interface support config functions like changing grid profiles? Modbus doesn't support it.
Yes, changing grid profiles, writing your own, export control, and grid support with the appropriate 3rd party WattNode meter.
It's good that Enphase gets more competition, not because they build good micro-inverters, but because the keep all the "goodies" like UL1741SB with IEEE 2030.5 direct power control and API access under tight wraps via their cloud connectivity so no one will be able to offer alternatives to their underpowered and overpriced backup solutions. It is changing, FranklinWH backup works with IQ8 inverters and all their inverters, including legacy inverters!
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I have two Deye 2 kw micro inverters with wifi monitoring running for 1 year now. Works great, until now max. 65 degrees in summer under full load. I live in the coast with lots of salt in the air, these sealed micro inverters can have it. Would not like to run a string inverter here.
I have two Deye 2 kw micro inverters with wifi monitoring running for 1 year now. Works great, until now max. 65 degrees in summer under full load. I live in the coast with lots of salt in the air, these sealed micro inverters can have it. Would not like to run a string inverter here.
Are they UL1741SB certified?
Hi All, not trying to spam anyone. It took me over a year, but I finally have made a website where you can order Hoymiles microinverters, cables, and accessories online. In order to secure the best wholesale pricing and avoid my customer's having to pay Tariffs, Hoymiles asked me to buy at least 200 to 500 inverters at a time, preferably 500 per month! I pulled the trigger on Monday and ordered 200 HMS inverters. I need help moving them so I'm looking for affiliates, resellers, installers, and DIYers who want simple plug-n-play grid-tied solar.

Please visit The Microinverter Store. I promise I won't post this again.

Thank you!

and Deye.

I have both, and they work well for me. But as you said, Enphase seems to have most of the microinverter market in the USA. AP is a distant second.
Which version of NEP have you been using?

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