diy solar

diy solar

Micro inverters at the edge of array or deep inside the array

My understanding of code for ground level micros is:
  • panel level RSD needed for system voltage since Voc > 30V even with smallest residential panels
  • MC or metal conduit needed since Voc > 30V
  • AFCI not needed - Voc < 80V to ground even with monster panels
  • GFP - unclear. Microinverter will still shut down but there might be a code carveout for microinverters that you violate. ~40-50Voc and available fault current might not be able to kill you anyway
  • Follow manufacturer instructions - unclear. Probably up to AHJ interpretation
Thanks for this:
In Australia metal conduit is not required only rigid PVC is required.
Perhaps this may be common knowledge for all and I learned something new. If the sky is fully overcast for a long time, the orientation of the module makes no difference. They all make similar (and, yes lower) amount of energy. Today is bright and sunny. The four modules facing the southeast were more productive early this morning than the 20 modules facing southwest!

Yeah, there are a lot of weird things that can happen with clouds. For instance if it is a partly cloudy day and you get direct sun through a hole in the clouds, if the hole has the right geometry you will get bonus light scattering off the side of clouds, that otherwise will not go to you.

diy solar

diy solar