diy solar

diy solar

Midnite Solar Classic Users: Solar vs Legacy P&O / Follow Me vs Not


I'm Here, But I'm Not All There
Mar 1, 2021
N. Central FL
I'm tinkering with the production of my 2 arrays
- System is 24v with 2 arrays and 2 Classic 150s
- Array 1: 9 REC 285w panels / 2565w total 3s3P / VOC 38.4 or 115.2v array input voltage to SCC #1
- Array 2: 9 REC 290w panels / 2610w total 3s3p / VOC 38.6 or 115.8v array input voltage to SCC #2
- The system and 2 Classics are set up in Follow Me mode. There is a Shunt and Whizbang Jr for SCC #1 (master) to read End Amps

Oddly ... Array 1 (the smaller) always out performs Array 2 on Sunny and Mostly Sunny days. But array 2 is partially shaded until 10am, so it's understandable.

I have had the 2 Classics in Follow Me Mode for almost a year (wired and settings), But realized that once Array 1 went to Float, Array 2 would follow (as expected)

I am trying to maximize production. One of my all time best days came recently on a full Sunny Early March Day after I had cleaned the panels here in NE Florida (below Jacksonville). I was able to get a total of 27.2kWh for the day. 13.8kWh from array #1 (285w panels) and 13.4kWh from array #2 (290w panels). I have gotten some pretty good numbers the past month, but that was the best I ever got out of either array in 5 years. (Array #1 is almost 5 years old / Array 2 is 16 months old). But wondering if I could still do better ... especially as the days get longer. Although they will also get hotter, so I always find March is the best.

So a few days ago I turned off Follow Me so they would NOT follow each other and just go to float based on Amps and Resistance to each SCC. Trying to determine if Follow Me mode is actually hurting the production of Classic #2 (slave) at the end of the day.

While tinkering with Follow Me, realized I also had both Classics set to the default Solar mode for PV. But I have read in some conditions, (shade, partly cloudy) Legacy P&O might actually work better.

Anyone have any experience with:
1. Legacy P&O vs Solar Mode
2. Follow Me vs Not using Follow Me?

Any Ideas on Legacy P&O vs Solar Mode and / Or Follow Me?


diy solar

diy solar