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diy solar

Mobile 48v system (AC input question) but built in Europe


New Member
Jul 3, 2024
Hey all!

I'm in the process of building a mobile 48v system similar to Will's. I'm getting the parts in the EU though so had to adapt them.

I'll be powering a fridge, water pump (why I opted for a 5500w inverter), a router & fiber modem, 2 laptops and a couple lights. Theoretically I'll be around 500w up to 2000 with the water pump


Battery (2):

I'll be taking my system to my house in Ukraine where the power situation isn't great and would like to automate grid usage / charge whenever it's available.

I have a noob question about how Will had the AC input set up on his dolly to plug into a domestic outlet.

Is it safe to have that plugged into a domestic outlet 24/7? Are there any safer ways / precautions I should add to the mix? I've just got a 50 amp breaker at the moment

Referencing this video:

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I'll be taking my system to my house in Ukraine where the power situation isn't great and would like to automate grid usage / charge whenever it's available.

Is it safe to have that plugged into a domestic outlet 24/7? Are there any safer ways / precautions I should add to the mix? I've just got a 50 amp breaker at the moment.
Yes, but ...

If you have unstable power, you might want to consider putting a Chargeverter between the grid and battery. It will clean up the power, at the cost of efficiency (may loose 10-15% in the double conversion process ac->dc->ac).

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