diy solar

diy solar

MPP 5kW LV Model - Does my solar panels setup make sense?


New Member
Nov 24, 2020
So I'm trying to get a system that may be a bit ambitious from a beginner perspective, but due to my dependence with electricity with respect to remote work and interest, I took my current electrical usage and based my setup on it. Based upon my daily needs of needing at least 15KW daily (based upon electrical bill usage). From there, I tried finding a high wattage solar panel based upon this site's link (ended up lightly electing this one (

So with my Daily KWH, Panel Wattage, and Sunlight, I used this expression to determine the number of solar panel's in order to satisfy my needs:

Daily KWH
--------------------------- = Number of Solar Panels --> Note that you'd just perform the ceiling function if the expression returned a non-whole number
Sunlight * Solar Wattage

Plugging this expression with some actual values, I got this:

----------- = ~9.3 which means I need at least 10 solar panels to satisfy my KW usage that I use currently.
3.5 * 370

So for a DIY solar system, I know so far how to calculate the number of panels I'd need in order to get my daily requirements. I'm looking for some help with respect to choosing a good Solar Controller based upon my 16KWH usage. I'd like to specifically ask for help with respect to some questions, which are listed below:

Question 1
For my battery bank, I'd want at least 3 days of redundancy, which I'm not sure how to calculate. I probably mistakenly think that to calculate the total wattage of my battery bank is the following:

Total Wattage of Battery Bank Needed for X Days of Redundancy = Daily KWH * X / Battery Bank Voltage

Question 2
For a beginner who's definitely asking for a more detailed setup, I'm leaning toward one of the site's All In One systems. I'd like to know whether the system I'm looking at is "good" based upon my daily KWH requirements, I've been looking at this All In One system ( From what I understand it can support up to 5KWH of solar charging and I thought making the jump to 48V due to my KWH usage would be ideal.

PS: I'll probably have a bunch more questions, but I've been looking at the specification and would really appreciate any assistance. Would like to know if what I'm asking for is 'feasible' and if so, am I headed down the right path?

diy solar

diy solar