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Need to install Consumption CT Sensors for Enphase in an AC Coupled Sol Ark 15k setup in New England Area


New Member
Sep 24, 2023
The zero export grid profile will not work without the consumption CT sensors installed. Enphase support confirmed this.

Sol Ark support mentioned to install these sensors behind the Sol Ark CT sensors.

This job is in Nashua, NH

Any help is appreciated. I already have the CT sensors at home.

In the meantime, I am also gathering more information from Sol Ark.
The zero export is handled by your sol-ark ( if connected to you smart/gen/aux ) port.
The sol-ark will tell you Enphase micron's to shutdown by frequency shifting
Connecting them this way will also ensure the still produce even if your grid is down

Are your Enphases connected that way ?
The zero export is handled by your sol-ark ( if connected to you smart/gen/aux ) port.
The sol-ark will tell you Enphase micron's to shutdown by frequency shifting
Connecting them this way will also ensure the still produce even if your grid is down

Are your Enphases connected that way ?
Yes it is. This is what my installer also told me. But Enphase support says install CT sensors or your zero export profile will not work.

I also noticed whenever the Enphase is on, and house is not using extra power, then it is sending less than 50W to the grid occasionally because the house load is less than AC input from GEN even with DC reduced to like 20W. The export number is zero on the dashboard, but the animation always shows power flowing to the grid when the Enphase is on.

FYI, the frequency shifting will only work in off-grid mode on the Sol Ark. There are some earlier posts on other group threads which mention this.

I called Sol Ark today and he did not know. I asked him to talk to an engineer tomorrow and reply.
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Yes it is. This is what my installer also told me. But Enphase support says install CT sensors or your zero export profile will not work.

I also noticed whenever the Enphase is on, and house is not using extra power, then it is sending less than 50W to the grid occasionally because the house load is less than AC input from GEN even with DC reduced to like 20W. The export number is zero on the dashboard, but the animation always shows power flowing to the grid when the Enphase is on.

I called Sol Ark today and he did not know. I asked him to talk to an engineer tomorrow and reply.
Don't use Enphases zero export feature at all, as it doesn't make sense.
With the default profile, it was exporting, that is why we changed it to zero export. No change in behavior though.
Again, if connected to the sol-ark, it should be exporting..
It is exporting to the sol-ark, not the grid..
The sol-ark "emulates" the grid

The sol-ark then determines if the export goes to the batteries, the loads or the grid ( if setup that way)..
The Enphase doesn't know the sol-ark is the grid it sees, so ignore what ever the Enphase is telling you...
Again, if connected to the sol-ark, it should be exporting..
It is exporting to the sol-ark, not the grid..
The sol-ark "emulates" the grid

The sol-ark then determines if the export goes to the batteries, the loads or the grid ( if setup that way)..
The Enphase doesn't know the sol-ark is the grid it sees, so ignore what ever the Enphase is telling you...
That makes sense. I am not looking at the Enphase to determine export. The Sol Ark is showing as exporting to the grid even though it is set to zero export.

This started happening only AFTER the enphase was connected to the Sol Ark.
That makes sense. I am not looking at the Enphase to determine export. The Sol Ark is showing as exporting to the grid even though it is set to zero export.
Ok, so the problem is with you sol-ark setup in regards to solar sell..
Can you verify that is disabled ?

Furthermore you can set the trickle higher, to ensure that the peeks will not be offloaded..
A warning though, a hybrid inverter will take and give a bit from the grid when connected..
It sums out to zero, but you will see occasionally something go to the grid, that will be compensated by pulling something from the grid..

Let me guess.. not netmetering agreement ?
Ok, so the problem is with you sol-ark setup in regards to solar sell..
Can you verify that is disabled ?

Furthermore you can set the trickle higher, to ensure that the peeks will not be offloaded..
A warning though, a hybrid inverter will take and give a bit from the grid when connected..
It sums out to zero, but you will see occasionally something go to the grid, that will be compensated by pulling something from the grid..

Let me guess.. not netmetering agreement ?
It is disabled. Has been for many months. It was already limiting DC.

Trickle will not work in this scenario, although is a good idea for DC limiting. Sol Ark cannot control the Enphase output - not conjecture, actual behavior. There were no issues limiting export before Enphase was added to the mix.

No occasional export ever happened before Enphase.
Assuming the enphase is connected to the grid input of the sol-ark, when on-grid:

Sol-ark can throttle its production to zero export, however if enphase is still producing, the enphase controller has to throttle the enphase production. As mentioned, sol-ark can't frequency shift when on-grid. Would want the enphase to throttle self production before the sol-ark.

Don't know if sol-ark can disconnect gen input to zero export. Would seem like the smart thing it could do.
I will update here when I hear back from Sol Ark today. In the meantime, my research indicates that it may not be a good idea to install two CT sensors side by side. They can interfere with each other or cause heating (safety issues).

Any opinions on this are appreciated.
If there is nothing between the SA and Meter, then the internal CT of the SA is all it needs.

If only the enphase is between the SA and the Meter, then the internal CT of the SA should work too. The SA will zero export to its grid connection, and the enphase has to limit using the CT. You loose charging battery with excess ac pv.
@budgetsolarinstall You are correct that the Sol-Ark cannot frequency shift while connected to grid, as the Sol-Ark is locked into the grid frequency and simply following grid frequency while "on-grid". The Enphase system can be connected to the load side of the Sol-Ark, or to the gen terminals and the Sol-Ark can then be configured accordingly. This will give you the ability to still utilize the Enphase system during grid outage. However, in order to do zero export with the Enphase system, you will need to use their CTs, and install them directly before or after the Sol-Ark CTs. Shouldn't really matter which side, as long as they are both (SA and Enphase CTS) installed between your PoCo meter and the first breaker panel.

Something that I do not know, but you should double check, is whether or not the Enphase system will do frequency shift curtailment when it is configured for zero export! A zero export configuration could override the frequency shift function, as the Enphase system then "knows" what to do purely off of the CT readings. This may end up giving you no frequency shift control in a grid down scenario! If this is the case, you will want to be sure and have the Enphase system running off the gen terminals of the Sol-Ark! The reason being that the Sol-Ark can then open the gen terminal contactors, in order to cut off charging when the batteries are nearly full, to avoid overcharging the batteries!

Another option would be to just tie the Enphase system in directly to your "grid-only" panel, then you don't have to worry about overcharging the batteries. You also would then not get any PV power from the Enphase system when grid is down.

One note* When using 2 separate systems that have their own CT sensors, you will not get as good control over the zero export function! You tend to get periods where the 2 systems shift back and forth on power and then you get "overshoot" scenarios where you sell back for a little until the system "throttles back" production again. One thing that can be done to help this is to set the "buffer" watts different for the 2 systems. E.g. set minimum import number for Enphase to 50 watts and set Sol-Ark to 100 watts. This helps mitigate this effect, but will probably not completely solve the issue. (By the way, I do not know if Enphase has this setting for sure. I am not familiar with Enphase's settings, etc. However, I do know that Sol-Ark has this setting, and if Enphase does not have it then you can simply set the Sol-Ark to somewhere between 50-100 watts rather than zero, as the Enphase system will likely be shooting for a near zero number.)

A scenario like yours always works a lot better when you have a single system, rather than multiple systems trying to "play nicely". However I don't know your scenario, maybe you have too much solar to use only the Sol-Ark, or maybe this is a "retrofit" battery add-on to an existing Enphase system. But this is something for others to keep in mind if designing a new setup! The less mixing of brands in one setup, the smoother the setup will function, inevitably! And if someone is looking for rapid shutdown function, then I would say look at AP Smart RSDs or Tigo optimizers, if optimizers are needed, but I would recommend optimizers if not needed, as efficiency losses make them not worth using if you don't have partial shading for a decent portion of the day! Soon Sol-Ark's own optimizers will be available, then I would of course recommend using those!

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