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diy solar

New Competition for the EcoFlow Delta

Very interesting. How long is the 45% discount good for? I wonder if the unit will be expandable and can act as an UPS.
Didn't mention in my email how long the discount was for but, I'm saving the email. You can sign up for the discount on the MAXOAK website. You just enter your email. Doesn't appear there's any mention of being expandable or UPS on their website.
Looks great! 2500+ charge cycles so I am guessing LiFePO4's inside. My guess is that it won't be cheap.
Looks great! 2500+ charge cycles so I am guessing LiFePO4's inside. My guess is that it won't be cheap.
Not LiFePo4 but, probably the same as the other big Bluetti's with the LG vehicle leaf cells. Here's the email I got from Maxoak when I signed up on their website....


Bluetti AC200 will launch in indiegogo in June 16.
Before publishing, I will send you an email containing the purchase link.

Click the link to buy AC200 and you will get 45% OFF coupons.

Original price: $1799, I gave you the price of $999

In addition, I created a facebook group about AC200.

I'd like to invite you to join us.I will update some information about AC200 in it.

You can also interact with others and ask your questions.



Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with MAXOAK or being compensated or shilling for them in any way, shape, or form. Just passing this info along to those who may be interesting in this new product.
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I received the same response and asked Mike a few questions. He said lead acid batteries can be connected to extend the run time. I would think LifePO4 would work as well.
He said the charger is 500 watts. I asked him about using it as a UPS. I don't think he understood me and I will ask again. So far I am liking the features of the Ecoflow R600 and R600 Pro better even though they have small inverters. However the AC200 may evolve into something better on account of the feedback they will get from their Facebook group.
This is the only thing I could find on the AC200 referencing lead acid: "Recharge from AC/Solar/Car/Gas Generator/Lead-acid Battery." I wonder if maybe that's what he meant. I know sometimes things don't get translated exactly correct from Chinese to English. HoboTech said he has a review on the AC200 in the works. Maybe Will has one in the works too. Either way, we should find out soon enough.
Mike confirmed there is no UPS function. I asked about AC passthrough and he didn't respond to that But he did confirm runtime can be extended with either lead acid or LiFePO4 batteries. So I am pretty sure they meant extended and not charged and that's what I thought they meant when I looked on their website. Meanings do get confusing due to translations. Seen it time and time again. I am looking forward to reviews to shed more light on this product.
I emailed Mike again just to be sure nothing got lost in the translation and confirmed it could be extended with lead acid and lithium. I with you on looking forward to a review.
But he did confirm runtime can be extended with either lead acid or LiFePO4 batteries. So I am pretty sure they meant extended and not charged and that's what I thought they meant when I looked on their website. Meanings do get confusing due to translations. Seen it time and time again. I am looking forward to reviews to shed more light on this product.
Will just did his review oF the AC200 . He confirmed it could charge from external battery but, if it could be expanded Will would have mentioned that. I think "Mike" at Maxoak might have not fully understood our questions. After seeing the AC200 in action I think there's going to be some disappointed EB150 owners, me included. :ROFLMAO:
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Yeah...I saw the video too. I really like the display on it and everything else for what it is. But it can't be used as a UPS and is not expandable. So back to the drawing

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diy solar