diy solar

diy solar

New forum function suggestion


Photon Sorceress
Aug 17, 2022
Is it possible or, if not could the forum be enhanced, to be able to easily see all posts that have had zero responses to them?

I try to check to see if there are any newcomers, especially UK ones or Solis users who have posted a question, but not had a response. I'd find useful to be able to quickly scan all posts that have 0 replies.

Just a thought - apologies if this is already available and I've missed it.
That would be a great feature.

Actually I would like the default sort of the forum to be changed in some way so that we don’t have the effect where the most overly dramatic/spicy writers get an outsized level of engagement.
That would be a great feature.

Actually I would like the default sort of the forum to be changed in some way so that we don’t have the effect where the most overly dramatic/spicy writers get an outsized level of engagement.
One way that would help a lot is to change the default preview for a section away from latest update. That very aggressively biases towards clickbait/controversy tinged threads with high engagement. They don’t need the extra traffic
This is such a fun new way to browse the forum and avoid the "what's your favorite color" threads (no offense to them). See you guys in unanswered.

You won't cause once they're answered they're no longer unanswered