diy solar

diy solar

Newbie hoping for help on dual Victron Quattro 2x120V RV system install.

That's good to know. I can set up my relay network to only pass L1 in that situation. For the dynamic nature of on RV, is there a benefit to "switch as a group"? I'm guessing this setting off would be a safe fall back for three phase power (208v).

Switch as group disabled is the ONLY way you can charge a 120/240VAC split phase configuration with only 120V on one inverter. If switch as group is enabled, it will only charge if supplied with split phase power.

Is setting up dual inverter possible to do through the Cerbo GX, or do you need the USB dongle?

Parallel configuration of inverters requires a MK3-USB adapter and VictronConnect or VEConfigure3 for the initial programming.
$2933 for 6kVA in 2X MP-II/Q-II 24V 2x120 units ($0.49/W)
$3944 for 10kVA 2X MP-II 48V 120V units ($0.39/W)
you can usually get the 3kVa MP-II for cheaper, current connected has them starting around $1k. but another option is the new midnight solar rosie, it is 7kVa [maybe even 7kW] for $3300 and it has the same efficiency as victron. it is split phase and supposedly has some built in shore switching features. the main reason to consider the roise is that its about half the size and weight of a 6kVA in 2X MP-II. now i don't like the current interface and they might get a better system in the future

diy solar

diy solar