diy solar

diy solar

Noob here with a question


New Member
Feb 26, 2020
I have my whole setup excluding the battery. My question is can i hook up the 2 100w solar panels to the CC W/o The battery?
So when i do recieve the battery in 9 days I should hook up the battery to the CC then should hook up the solar panels to the CC? One more question would it damage the solar panels at all to hook up them in parallel but not have them connected to the CC just setup and run the wires to where there going and capped off.
There's been a discussion about this somewhere on this forum, but let's just say you better play it safe and connect the battery first before connecting solar.
So when i do recieve the battery in 9 days I should hook up the battery to the CC then should hook up the solar panels to the CC? One more question would it damage the solar panels at all to hook up them in parallel but not have them connected to the CC just setup and run the wires to where there going and capped off.
So when i do receive the battery in 9 days I should hook up the battery to the CC then should hook up the solar panels to the CC?

Yes, that sounds about right, but before you do any of that, take a look at the manual for your charge controller, it should have install instructions and warnings that answer questions like this.

As to your second question, I don't see why that would be an issue, but honestly I don't know, there is a lot I still have to learn to. you can always cover the panels with a sheet or cardboard or some opaque covering while wiring them so that they aren't generating any electricity.

diy solar

diy solar