diy solar

diy solar

Old jump box surprise!


Staff member
Sep 21, 2019
Belmont, NC
Ok, I usually have a jump box or two nearby for the last 15 years...

one of the old ones I stopped using over a decade ago because the cheapo plastic battery clamps broke. I left it on my front porch the entire time... well, last month bored out of my skull, I thought I would cannibalizes the wires and switches from the pack.

I chipped out the mud dobber nests, removed all the screws I could, and hacked apart what wouldn’t cooperate.

The air pump hoses were rotted, the compressor body was covered in rust, but amazingly, it still spun by hand.

anyway, I get to the cables, cut off the broken clamps, #4 fine stranded pure copper! Nice... no ccal for this pack!
Next I get the bolts out of the old SLA cell, and brush off the dirt and crap from years of rain and leaves...

the sides of the battery were not bulged, so I hooked up a meter, and WOW!!! 12.4V... how is it possible the thing still had a proper voltage? I have since brought the battery home, tied it to my solar panels, and it holds 12.81V for DAYS... I hooked it to my USB adapter, and charge my phone and iPad overnight, and recharge it by sun the next day...

I’m floored the cells appear good... I suppose I need to perform a full load test on it, but wow...
Load test might vary! Batteries are reliable devices, even lead. Hope it still has practical use for some time.

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diy solar