diy solar

diy solar

One Line Diagram Check - For System Expansion


New Member
Jul 14, 2024
Little Rock, AR
My original Enphase PV system was installed earlier this year. I'm now expanding the system by adding a 20 panel ground mount. Could you please give feedback on this one line diagram before I share it with my utility provider? I modeled this diagram after the one line diagram from the original PV system install.

Note: I'm de-rating my service panel in order to use a 60A breaker for the PV system. There is no permit required for this system (I live outside of city limits); however, the utility provider will be approving the system before interconnection is allowed.

The original one line diagram as well as the new diagram are attached.

Original One Line Diagram
Screenshot 2024-07-23 211647.png

New One Line Diagram
Screenshot 2024-07-23 211353.png

Thanks in advance!

diy solar

diy solar