diy solar

diy solar

Per panel MPPT optimizer for less than ideal setup.


New Member
Oct 9, 2021
I'll say right up front I recognize this is not an ideal setup, I have to work with the space I have.

After Will's "My Favorite Offgrid Solar Panel for 2024!" video on the Aptos 370W Bifacial Solar Panel I picked up six of those.
In round numbers each panel Voc is ~45V, and ~12A loaded current.

They are mounted horizontally on the dog kennel fence about seven feet up. Three are facing west, two south and one east.
The secondary sides will be shaded to some degree by the fencing.
I want to put a MPPT optimizer on each panel to deal with the obvious shading issues of that set up.

I want to hook these up as a series string that is driving a MPPSolar LVX6048, that I already have.

I don't want anything that relies on Cloud connectivity to have it work, as some seem to require in doing my own searching.

What do you suggest for per-panel optimization?
They are mounted horizontally on the dog kennel fence about seven feet up. Three are facing west, two south and one east.
The secondary sides will be shaded to some degree by the fencing.
I want to put a MPPT optimizer on each panel to deal with the obvious shading issues of that set up.

I want to hook these up as a series string that is driving a MPPSolar LVX6048, that I already have.

There is absolutely nothing you can do to make same-string panels facing different directions to work better. ALL panels in the string will perform no better than the panel with the least favorable orientation.

Tigo optimizers on the shaded panels can help mitigate shading.

diy solar

diy solar