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diy solar

Prepped for an EMP

Nobody gains a thing when the world is destroyed.
Some people would enjoy the feeling of being the one who destroyed a civilization. That is motive. That is gain.
Look at the July 13 shooting, did the perp gain anything? Could he have made it out alive? If he was successful it would have been a very terrible 10 months of near civil war for the country. No one truly gains there and yet it was still done.

I know, not quite the same, but there are people that do not think like you or me and love being pivotal in destruction. Yes its sick.
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Many of us have built a lifestyle where we want to be as self sufficient as possible in a community that we are a part of (whether we like it or not). The day may come where we have to contribute to the greater good. We face the "If fate whispers to you" ""You can't withstand the storm"" and you whisper back "I am the storm"

Are you "The Storm"?

No I'm the electrician.
They call me to fix all the broken stuff after the storm.
But only after the storm because I can't stand the weather...

I have read the book as well as "One Year After", "The Final Day" and "5 Years After" (all John Matherson series) all written by author "William R. Forstchen".

All Great reads.

Those of you with solar or have a knowhow to make use of what is available to you (in the concept of American ingenuity) will survive. Not to give anything away, why didn't the survivors go the the interstate that is a short distance from Montreat NC and salvage the generators/alternators from the eighteen wheelers or salvage every battery in every vehicle that stalled/quit running on interstate 40? Bicycle/pedal power, hydroelectric or wind power.

Does each local jurisdiction have plans to use eminent domain to take charge of all gas/diesel/propane reserves within their jurisdiction (gas stations, convenience stores, propane gas sources etc) to use these resources for the survival of the community (not just the well off).

Use eminent domain to take charge of all local pharmacies and all local food sources etc.

Many of us have built a lifestyle where we want to be as self sufficient as possible in a community that we are a part of (whether we like it or not). The day may come where we have to contribute to the greater good. We face the "If fate whispers to you" ""You can't withstand the storm"" and you whisper back "I am the storm"

Are you "The Storm"?

After "The Big One" (I'm in So. CA coastal suburbia), I want to be a community asset, not a liability.

Last time the power went out for more than a few minutes, I walked the neighborhood and stopped at the homes of my elderly neighbors (I'm one too!). I let them know that if power remained out for more than a few hours that I had refrigeration available for meds, and could charge portable devices.
TV kept working .
Thermionic tubes are very resilient in the face of EM pulses and Ionizing radiation...
That's why the Soviet used them in so much of their equipment long after they were obsolete.
Cars started too!
Probably had Breaker point ignition and DC generators rather than solid state components.

Oh wait a second thats a TV show LOL....

But I did sell a lot of these.
Decent tube for home audio and guitars
The easiest way to have wide spread effective EMPs is to detonate nuclear weapons in the upper atmosphere (as proven with Starfish Prime, when they were discovered). Doing so triggers a nuclear response. Who will detonate a nuke in the upper atmosphere as a first strike option, when you are going to get nuked back by the United States who is going to target your nukes and your ability to fight back (counter force, the US doctrine since the 70s, replacing MAD). Wouldn't you want to target your nukes against nukes, military assets, and command and control if that is what your adversary will be targeting?

Also, who has enough spare nukes that they can sling 10+ to detonate in the upper atmosphere to have a real effect, when they will be destroyed by our nuclear arms? All of our nuke stuff is EMP hardened, so to launch an EMP attack on the US will cause Minutemen and Tridents to come flying at you, and destroying you. If Lil Kim throws a nuke at us, his country will be decimated, and for what gain?
I have wondered the same … Ihave two Anderson disconnects …one on each end the 100 ft line that connects the array to the gear.
If I disconect both they are not connected at all to the gear …except for the bonding wire back to the single ground electrode at the gear shed …
All I have on my side is hope ….that being totally isolated they will not get fried..nor will the other stuff either..
It’s my best guess, that’s all …

Items like solar panels can be damaged by an HEMP. Remember, then energy is radiated in the air and most electrical wires will feel the effect, some more then others depending on thier lengths. The trick or game plan is to be pro active and assume it might be damaged and take steps to take care if it.
Now, can I say for absolutely it will or will not survive an HEMP?? HELL NO!!!, but I can assume the worse, prepare for it, just to be safe and hope that what I stocked up is not needed, but I have it, if I need it. Think of it HEMP private insurance.
Again, Prepping is based on worse case scenarios. If it's a nice a sunny day out, blue sky's, low humidity, mid 75 degrees and happiness and Unicorns playing, sure we can survive that day, buy that's no reality of the world we live in. Sorry to burst your bubble.
Just my 2 cents
Good luck
Items like solar panels can be damaged by an HEMP. Remember, then energy is radiated in the air and most electrical wires will feel the effect, some more then others depending on thier lengths. The trick or game plan is to be pro active and assume it might be damaged and take steps to take care if it.
Now, can I say for absolutely it will or will not survive an HEMP?? HELL NO!!!, but I can assume the worse, prepare for it, just to be safe and hope that what I stocked up is not needed, but I have it, if I need it. Think of it HEMP private insurance.
Again, Prepping is based on worse case scenarios. If it's a nice a sunny day out, blue sky's, low humidity, mid 75 degrees and happiness and Unicorns playing, sure we can survive that day, buy that's no reality of the world we live in. Sorry to burst your bubble.
Just my 2 cents
Good luck
Ask Nasa .
For some spare space solar panels.
Those can handel it .
Anyway folks it is not going to happen.
Even the weird Kim Jong Un likes living in luxury. Nobody gains a thing when the world is destroyed.
I hate to say this, but Russia and China both think they will survive a Nuke war. They both are and have been for years been building Nuke bunkers for their population. We, on the other hand have done NADA, ZIP, ZERO!!! for the general population. At best there may be some local Tornado shelters in parts of the country, but Not in major cities and hi population density areas, unlike both China and Russia.
So, if you have a govt that believes it CAN survive a nuke war and protect its population, then the dynamics of the equation have changed. Right or wrong, that IS the current stare of the world.

Just my 2 cents
Good luck
Ask Nasa .
For some spare space solar panels.
Those can handel it .
Ask Nasa .
For some spare space solar panels.
Those can handel it .
Are you saying that ALL SOLAR PANELS OF ALL MAKES AND DESIGN will survive a HEMP without issue??
What I'm saying is that your panels MAY be damaged by HEMP, and it's best to assume they might and prepare for that situation.
Better safe then sorry
Are you saying that ALL SOLAR PANELS OF ALL MAKES AND DESIGN will survive a HEMP without issue??
What I'm saying is that your panels MAY be damaged by HEMP, and it's best to assume they might and prepare for that situation.
Better safe then sorry

You do know Nasa ?

Jusk asking.
I hate to say this, but Russia and China both think they will survive a Nuke war. They both are and have been for years been building Nuke bunkers for their population. We, on the other hand have done NADA, ZIP, ZERO!!! for the general population. At best there may be some local Tornado shelters in parts of the country, but Not in major cities and hi population density areas, unlike both China and Russia.
So, if you have a govt that believes it CAN survive a nuke war and protect its population, then the dynamics of the equation have changed. Right or wrong, that IS the current stare of the world.

Just my 2 cents
Good luck
Because we're 'murica. We don't need our government to take care of us. Quite frankly, I don't trust them to do it. THey'll save themselves, they view the population as cattle. So I recommend building your OWN bunker,
Items like solar panels can be damaged by an HEMP. Remember, then energy is radiated in the air and most electrical wires will feel the effect, some more then others depending on thier lengths. The trick or game plan is to be pro active and assume it might be damaged and take steps to take care if it.
Now, can I say for absolutely it will or will not survive an HEMP?? HELL NO!!!, but I can assume the worse, prepare for it, just to be safe and hope that what I stocked up is not needed, but I have it, if I need it. Think of it HEMP private insurance.
Again, Prepping is based on worse case scenarios. If it's a nice a sunny day out, blue sky's, low humidity, mid 75 degrees and happiness and Unicorns playing, sure we can survive that day, buy that's no reality of the world we live in. Sorry to burst your bubble.
Just my 2 cents
Good luck

Thanks for your thoughts., but there’s no bubble to burst… I always assume the worst and hope for the best..

While I am aware of the dangers of an emp effects of different strengths , origins and scenarios my comment was more aimed at close lightning strike surges/ emp bursts or solar induced natural emp events..

But if the panels got whacked that would be the best part to lose and replace…

Btw, A direct lightining strike simply means my stuff is toast…end of story..

I have never tried to prepare for man made emp being detonated ..that’s to complicated. Plus there will be much worse events happening nationally than me losing my solar.. haaa

Few normal people have that ability with any real confidence level.. to many unknowns and variables to consider.

While no one can foretell every natural event or it resulting damage ,the fact that my 100 ft pv line is totally disconnected from the array and the solar gear and laying on the ground was the main point I was making …and I do hope it help …that really all one can do..

Having had many electronic things killed by close lightining strikes everytime somthing had a long wire or “antenna “ of sorts it was likely to get whacked…somthing with NO or Short wire or unplugged from the grid seems to never be hurt…

Anything I have unplugged from the grid has fared very well through the years at my electronics type store . before unplugging I lost many fine and expensive tube amps..and TVs

that’s why with the solar system I built , I designed it to disconnect the long wire runs and most of the gear from each other..in a bad lightning event…it takes about 2 min to do but so far so good ...

That is my hope …decent protection from natural events …not decent protection from a nuke flying around 60-100 miles up….
so hopefully we won’t have that happen…

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I guess the issue is how long to wait after first EMP before bringing out the protected gear and then perhaps losing it to second follow up EMP.
I ran from a lion and leaned on a tree and a snake bit me. There are several ways of looking at preparedness. Honestly is electricity a necessity of life for me? I think not EXCEPT for the solar well 365 ft deep. But if I really had to, I could tie a 1 gallon container on a long cord and we be getting some water out that well! Let her rip tator chip bring em on, EMP and everything else that's coming one day I'm ready. Who knows it could be today, but I kinda doubt it.
I ran from a lion and leaned on a tree and a snake bit me. There are several ways of looking at preparedness. Honestly is electricity a necessity of life for me? I think not EXCEPT for the solar well 365 ft deep. But if I really had to, I could tie a 1 gallon container on a long cord and we be getting some water out that well! Let her rip tator chip bring em on, EMP and everything else that's coming one day I'm ready. Who knows it could be today, but I kinda doubt it.
You're missing a key component. Refrigeration in the modern age is critical to survival. Keeping foods fresh longer is important, and is the only real thing that I critically need. I have 6 mouths to feed.
I ran from a lion and leaned on a tree and a snake bit me. There are several ways of looking at preparedness. Honestly is electricity a necessity of life for me? I think not EXCEPT for the solar well 365 ft deep. But if I really had to, I could tie a 1 gallon container on a long cord and we be getting some water out that well! Let her rip tator chip bring em on, EMP and everything else that's coming one day I'm ready. Who knows it could be today, but I kinda doubt it.
Or just a simple pump.

Hand pump designed for that.
You're missing a key component. Refrigeration in the modern age is critical to survival. Keeping foods fresh longer is important, and is the only real thing that I critically need. I have 6 mouths to feed.
Never heart of cooling other way

500years ago even king had ice .
By using a cave and winter ice bloks so in the summer he still had cool beer.

Egypte had a nice way to

Never heart of cooling other way

500years ago even king had ice .
By using a cave and winter ice bloks so in the summer he still had cool beer.

Egypte had a nice way to

500 years ago people died at the ripe old age of 30, and diseases were rampant. Passive refrigeration is not going to get us anywhere near what we need today. It might save things for a couple days at most, but nothing long term. Hell, I have 2+ year old food in my deep freeze that I pull out on rotation.

People die early because of overwork. Limited capacity for cooling means you need to work a lot harder to procure food pretty much year round.
500 years ago people died at the ripe old age of 30, and diseases were rampant. Passive refrigeration is not going to get us anywhere near what we need today. It might save things for a couple days at most, but nothing long term. Hell, I have 2+ year old food in my deep freeze that I pull out on rotation.

People die early because of overwork. Limited capacity for cooling means you need to work a lot harder to procure food pretty much year round.
I think a bom go down
The last thing is a fridge problem.
Food , animals if its still thare.
If those are save to eat.
And for the rest of your life to eat can food .
Wel you need a lot of space to safe it .
500 years ago people died at the ripe old age of 30, and diseases were rampant. Passive refrigeration is not going to get us anywhere near what we need today. It might save things for a couple days at most, but nothing long term. Hell, I have 2+ year old food in my deep freeze that I pull out on rotation.

People die early because of overwork. Limited capacity for cooling means you need to work a lot harder to procure food pretty much year round.
It’s my opinion that Anti- biotics , medical advances and weapons advancement is the main reason for that ..not refrigeration…
But with that said in bad times a freezer is 10X more valuable thst a refrigerator

In any probable crisis there will be almost no fresh food after a few days. Why does anyone need a refrigerator…can ya store a whole raw deer in it..? How about 10 dressed out , wild turkeys ..? Or a batch of Headed and gutted whole fish…?

Maybe 2-3 days….maybe..

..if you have a good freezer one can store large amounts of high fat/ calorie food for long periods , when fresh or raw or cooked or whatever and pull it as needed. Thaw it and eat it…
wash - rinse- repeat..
Did it my whole life on the coast after loading up on fresh shrimp in the fall , freezing in containers of water , and pulling them out weekly till the next fall …as good as just caught.

Yes you need some energy source to run the freezer but that’s no prob for most of us here…

My survival plans do not include refrigeration as it a luxury not necessity…a freezer is very handy but not nessacery to live well ..but it sure helps. Several freezers are even better..

Freeze dried and canned goods are the best bet for long term easy to store…long shelf life and easy to use….add a freezer to this and you could really live great…

People with knowledge, skills and resources will always find a way to adapt.

With that said ,I feel sorry for an awful lot of people alive in this country at this point.
WOW…..I hope nothing ever happens..


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