Items like solar panels can be damaged by an HEMP. Remember, then energy is radiated in the air and most electrical wires will feel the effect, some more then others depending on thier lengths. The trick or game plan is to be pro active and assume it might be damaged and take steps to take care if it.
Now, can I say for absolutely it will or will not survive an HEMP?? HELL NO!!!, but I can assume the worse, prepare for it, just to be safe and hope that what I stocked up is not needed, but I have it, if I need it. Think of it HEMP private insurance.
Again, Prepping is based on worse case scenarios. If it's a nice a sunny day out, blue sky's, low humidity, mid 75 degrees and happiness and Unicorns playing, sure we can survive that day, buy that's no reality of the world we live in. Sorry to burst your bubble.
Just my 2 cents
Good luck
Thanks for your thoughts., but there’s no bubble to burst… I always assume the worst and hope for the best..
While I am aware of the dangers of an emp effects of different strengths , origins and scenarios my comment was more aimed at close lightning strike surges/ emp bursts or solar induced natural emp events..
But if the panels got whacked that would be the best part to lose and replace…
Btw, A direct lightining strike simply means my stuff is toast…end of story..
I have never tried to prepare for man made emp being detonated ..that’s to complicated. Plus there will be much worse events happening nationally than me losing my solar.. haaa
Few normal people have that ability with any real confidence level.. to many unknowns and variables to consider.
While no one can foretell every natural event or it resulting damage ,the fact that my 100 ft pv line is totally disconnected from the array and the solar gear and laying on the ground was the main point I was making …and I do hope it help …that really all one can do..
Having had many electronic things killed by close lightining strikes everytime somthing had a long wire or “antenna “ of sorts it was likely to get whacked…somthing with NO or Short wire or unplugged from the grid seems to never be hurt…
Anything I have unplugged from the grid has fared very well through the years at my electronics type store . before unplugging I lost many fine and expensive tube amps..and TVs
that’s why with the solar system I built , I designed it to disconnect the long wire runs and most of the gear from each a bad lightning event…it takes about 2 min to do but so far so good ...
That is my hope …decent protection from natural events …not decent protection from a nuke flying around 60-100 miles up….
so hopefully we won’t have that happen…