diy solar

diy solar

Putting Lipstick on a Pig - Fixing the camp! (Photo heavy)

Looks good enough, name brand and blue, what more could you ask for.:eek:
Yep! When I bought the place the original roof was the corrugated green fiberglass and a metal garbage can on top that had a hole in the bottom. I sent my skinny nephew up there to scope it out and he made it about 1 step before it started collapsing. So a few years ago when I got sick of being 6'5" and trying to use a 6ft tall shower, I re-vamped the outdoor shower with some 1/2" plexi on the roof.

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My first attempt to fix this shower was to use the old 120gal fresh water tank, paint it flat black, and stick that up on the roof. That worked "better" if it was summer and you let it sit full all day in the sun. Second attempt was a little camping propane heater I bought locally, a 12v pump, the small solar panel and a battery. As a proof of concept it worked.

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I bought a bigger 18l on demand propane heater that worked great... twice. The other day I threw in a different brand 1.4gal heater and it's great for summer but about 91F is all it can do with the cold ground water. It'll be good for the laundry room when my bigger heater shows up.

The last year plus has been really rough. In the divorce when all is said and done she's getting about 82% of everything, but the camp is mine! I'm living on my best friend's charity but the living situation could go away at any second due to no fault of our own, so if SHTF in my life I know I can live out here as long as I can afford propane, diesel, and food.

As for more updates, well we dropped 17 trees Sunday and I've got a brush pile the size of my cabin I need to break down and burn. The laundry room shed kit should be arriving today for me to go pick up. Hopefully later this week I'll have some help doing construction. I've got a brand new nail gun and ammo that should help make quicker work of the shed and the ground mount arrays construction.

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For scale, that pile is a little over 7ft tall at its highest point and 40ft wide and there's still a good dozen branches in the new clearing that I need to drag over once I've got space. It's gonna take me the better part of a week to get that all chopped smaller and burned. :cautious:
Beautiful land. What part of the country is that?

diy solar

diy solar