diy solar

diy solar

Renogy 20 amp DC to DC charger

Glad it all worked out, Levo. Sounds like you're good-to-go!

You're lucky you're getting 14.8v out of your alternator. Many alternators only produce 13.8 - 14.0v. 13.8 - 14.0v would have pushed the input current to the dc2dc charger closer to 60a (voltage down, current up).

I might add, at idle your 160a alternator is probably only producing approx. 60-70% of its rated output (96-112a). Just something to be aware of.

And, not effectively cooling itself very well.
It was idling just for the short duration of the test.
Specifically to ensure adequate cooling I have set it up so as to never draw current on idle, only when cruising. Hence the remote control, plus current monitor to ensure it stays within limits.
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I successfully installed and tested this remote control to switch on and off the DC-DC charger from the truck cab;
Works well so far, one channel switching on and off, the other halving the current (2 spare channels).

However it is not a 2-way receiver/transmitter, so I can't see if the charger is on or off unless I clip on my multimeter or look at the charger's indicator light in the trailer. My intention was to install these hall-effect meters (when they arrive) and read alternator and charger current from the cab:

First Duh!: I failed to notice the meters only read up to 100A - fine for the DC-DC charger, but not the 160A alternator. If I insert a resistor equal to that of the meter's into the meter circuit (doubling resistance), will I be able to read 1/2 current value from the alternator?

Second Duh!: According to the ad these are for AC. Is a DC transducer/meter substantially different (like clamp ammeters)? If so, I have to cancel the order and see if a cost-effective DC model is available.

Any feedback is very welcome. Thanks
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diy solar

diy solar