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diy solar

Renogy DCC50S DC/DC charger normal operating temperature?


New Member
Jan 17, 2024
Melbourne, Australia
I’ve just installed a Renogy DCC50S charger into a tool box power station build and I’m wanting to go away for a couple of days camping. At the moment I only have passive ventilation behind the charger where I will be installing fans shortly.

Would it be considered safe to use the charger at the upper limits of its operating temperature range (65°C) until I can add a fan?

What operating temperature are folks here on the forum experiencing with the same charger?

I’m seeing 60°C while charging at 25 amp and 66°C when the input charge is 50 amp.
How Cooler it is how longer the life is on the device.
So i will stay under the max Temp .
So charge with a lower amp till you fix it.

Wy thake a risk?
If you can reduce the input voltage (if you are connected the series of panels), it will help to reduce the temperature.
the limit is a limit, lifespan of your charger will going down dramatically.
Wy thake a risk?
Because of the weather. I’m going snow camping and the combination of an inadequate solar array and high cloud cover will require me to charge the battery using DC/DC to compensate for the lack of solar. Having the charge controller set to put back 50 A will mean that I have the best chance of regain battery capacity in the shortest amount of time while driving between camps.

If you can reduce the input voltage (if you are connected the series of panels), it will help to reduce the temperature.
the limit is a limit, lifespan of your charger will going down dramatically.
Perhaps I have made this post in the wrong forum group, my solar array while camping won’t be sufficient to replenish the power which I am removing from the battery each day and as I mention above I will need to bulk charge rapidly as I won’t be driving too much between camps.
The Renogy controller allows me to choose how much current it will draw from the vehicle.

What I was interested in are figures that other people are achieving while charging using this particular charge controller. I have a reasonable size passive ventilation and if people are reporting similar temperatures that I am seeing, then the rush to add fans to the system maybe unnecessary (In the short term)
Because of the weather. I’m going snow camping and the combination of an inadequate solar array and high cloud cover will require me to charge the battery using DC/DC to compensate for the lack of solar. Having the charge controller set to put back 50 A will mean that I have the best chance of regain battery capacity in the shortest amount of time while driving between camps.

Perhaps I have made this post in the wrong forum group, my solar array while camping won’t be sufficient to replenish the power which I am removing from the battery each day and as I mention above I will need to bulk charge rapidly as I won’t be driving too much between camps.
The Renogy controller allows me to choose how much current it will draw from the vehicle.

What I was interested in are figures that other people are achieving while charging using this particular charge controller. I have a reasonable size passive ventilation and if people are reporting similar temperatures that I am seeing, then the rush to add fans to the system maybe unnecessary (In the short term)

The systeem will have protection on it.
So if its to hot it will run lower .
Most of those things do that to Protect it self.
See in the Manuel if it have that protection on it.

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diy solar