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diy solar

Rich Solar Life4 batteries make great claims VS ?


New Member
Mar 23, 2024
Just wondering, they give you 10 year supposed warranty and 20 years of life. How do they compare if anybody knows ..... Thank you...
I use Chinese batteries (LiTime). I bought these with the assumption that any attempts at warrantying the things would be unsuccessful. That's the price of cheap batteries.

I think that if you want a shot at not having your warranty rejected, you'll probably want to buy one of the big-name companies that has a reputation... Which will be way more expensive than the bottom barrel Chinese vendor batteries that many people opt to go with.
Thanks, that is the whole thing, I like the way the Rich batteries look and they make claims is all. If E4g is the way to go then OK. I just had a talk with Signature Solar and he straightened me out a little bit. From what he told me what I want does not exist but it is coming and the way to go he verified that for me but like I said I know very little and just learning.

I would not surprise me if China cuts us off shortly and we are in the dark, so nobodies warranties would matter at that point so you want too get the best quality now IMO for long term survival but he who has fire power will just take your stuff...
Thanks, that is the whole thing, I like the way the Rich batteries look and they make claims is all. If E4g is the way to go then OK. I just had a talk with Signature Solar and he straightened me out a little bit. From what he told me what I want does not exist but it is coming and the way to go he verified that for me but like I said I know very little and just learning.
What are you looking for? Curious. I asked Signature Solar for some recommendations for my system and they came back with "We don't carry anything like that" - disappointing, but shows they won't try and shovel stuff you don't need, which was refreshing.
People building these systems in their homes? You won't see me doing this is all. These systems should be outside and designed as such IMO. Will is half way there with his Hand truck 3000 but not all the way. This style done correctly IMO and you will throw all your other stuff in the trash... Like I stated Will is half way there, it's missing key features that are easily addressed..
As far as what I am really after I would like a mini fusion reactor to where I can push the detonate button when I get tired of listening to the wife's Shit...
I have never expected a warranty to actually be as described…if anything…except on very rare products in life.
I try to buy good, learn all I can , Not abuse stuff.. hope for the best….and move on in life.

If I don’t expect anything , then I can’t be disappointed when I don’t get it….

This theory has worked well for in about 98% of my purchases in life.

warranties were different if ya go back a couple or three decades…or more…
the world and its global mindset has changed what the word even means .
IMHO, claimed cycles or calendar life is a marketing thing now - pure one-ups-man-ship with no foundation in reality.

I will give a slight consideration for actual cell manufacturer's cycle life claims, but I qualify them with "probably about X cycles or so."

Warranty length is irrelevant UNLESS they are already an established organization that has already been operating for at least the offered warranty period.
IMHO, claimed cycles or calendar life is a marketing thing now - pure one-ups-man-ship with no foundation in reality.

I will give a slight consideration for actual cell manufacturer's cycle life claims, but I qualify them with "probably about X cycles or so."

Warranty length is irrelevant UNLESS they are already an established organization that has already been operating for at least the offered warranty period.
What do you recomnend? Signature Solar said they have a new big outside rated battery but it's pricey and made by EG4... Thanks....
You're buying a warranty. How long will SS/EG4 be around?
Sorry but what are you telling me? I just bought a Rich 5 4800 for starter because they were somewhat close to me but a review I just watched said the E4G were better because mine only has 15 cells and the E4 has 16. The sales man seemed nice and told me they have been good but I am dumb with this and just learning...
People building these systems in their homes? You won't see me doing this is all. These systems should be outside and designed as such IMO.
You're just saying that because you've been fed lies by some guy you know after he did something dumb and now goes around ranting about how dangerous solar/batteries are.

As far as what I am really after I would like a mini fusion reactor to where I can push the detonate button when I get tired of listening to the wife's Shit...
I never understood men like this, if you don't like the person you married, tell her that leave her.

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