diy solar

diy solar

rules for thee but not for me? or why politicians are getting to be universally hated

Until proven otherwise, assume they are controlled opposition designed to keep you forever hopeful (and sitting on your ass doing nothing).
At the VERY best, they are irrelevant "real" opposition that will be massively overruled by the rest of the critters.
The game is rigged and the only way to fix it is at our level (yes i said this many many times). Reject their policies, irregardless of their political color.
(For example those of us who refused covid insanity, those of us who refuse to participate in biometrics, etc).
Recent example - I was just travelling, and the TSA gestapo has now implemented "optional" biometric collection (Essentially collecting your face topography data and storing it in a database). Most lemmings go right through, even though it says literally everywhere that its optional.
The only extra thing you have to do to OPT OUT is scan your boarding pass! (like we used to all the time), but lemmings are selling out for convenience. Maybe they truly deserve everything they are going to get?
Key take away is the end …term limits solves the power struggles where ppl get-to Washington and feel to big to lose. Life long politicians like Biden prove it is a bad idea.

Interesting video and truth. However some ppl in over grown cities grew up in apartments and it is all they know. I stayed a summer in chicago as child and while there everything was very controlled for me … no going outside whenever liked vs like had done all my life in country. Seen it in military - country ppl were much different then city raised ppl too. They - city ppl were easy to spot in field operations.

Interesting video
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Key take away is the end …term limits solves the power struggles where ppl get-to Washington and feel to big to lose. Life long politicians like Biden prove it is a bad idea.

Interesting video and truth. However some ppl in over grown cities grew up in apartments and it is all they know. I stayed a summer in chicago as child and while there everything was very controlled for me … no going outside whenever liked vs like had done all my life in country. Seen it in military - country ppl were much different then city raised ppl too. They - city ppl were easy to spot in field operations.

Interesting video

I didn't actually watch the video yet.🤣
  • Haha
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I do not trust ANYONE seeking power.
Power can be temporary and situational (Such as defending an old lady from a mugger). But universal power such as the "government" does not sit well with me because human nature will always corrupt those in power and has already corrupted those seeking power. They will then use the stick of government to beat up anyone who does not follow the narrative, whatever it may be
Dont believe me? Look at the last 5000 of history

Prepare to have your mind blown if you are a statist
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I do not trust ANYONE seeking power.
Power can be temporary and situational (Such as defending an old lady from a mugger). But universal power such as the "government" does not sit well with me because human nature will always corrupt those in power and has already corrupted those seeking power. They will then use the stick of government to beat up anyone who does not follow the narrative, whatever it may be
Dont believe me? Look at the last 5000 of history

Prepare to have your mind blown if you are a statist

You have to have laws and a way to make those laws.

Yes, government always needs to be kept in check.
You have to have laws and a way to make those laws.

Yes, government always needs to be kept in check.
True Roads and such have to be built and maintained. So on. The problem - the same group ppl get stuck with bills vs equality. Then they another group want dividends and equity from something they have not invested in. Imagine ev getting tax breaks not paying share of road tax and wanting us ice ppl to pay more. Why they had to kick in but bitched louder then $20 whore doing fake orgasms.

Me me meme i i i me me…was their words. Got family member with ev cried the blues after losing exemptions but before had demanded govt fix roads - tax payers - me. Gas taxes was biggest source of road taxes. Now they - ev owners get big annual tax and tire taxes. Shhhss the friggin roads still aren’t getting fixed. Any suggestions?

Road tar and feathers?

Watch: Klaus Schwab Says Humanity Must Be "Forced Into Collaboration" With Globalist Elites​

World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab told delegates at a conference in China this week that humanity needs to be “forced into a collaboration” with globalist entities.

Speaking at the WEF’s ‘Annual Meeting of the New Champions’, often dubbed the “Summer Davos,” in China, Schwab stated that in order to drive the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” forward, elites must aggressively drive their agenda home.

“To drive future economic growth we must embrace innovation and force the collaboration across sectors, regions, nations, and cultures to create a more peaceful, inclusive, sustainable, and resilient future,” Schwab proclaimed.

He added, “At this critical juncture the active participation of all stakeholders is essential to ensure a sustainable development path.”

WEF : Klaus Schwab ‘We Must Force’ Humanity into ‘Collaboration’
— Marcus Cottus (@cottusmarcus) June 26, 2024
In another clip, Schwab touted AI and other technologies becoming ubiquitous as a reason why humanity must “work together” with the global elite.

"Risks & opportunities co-exist.. Breakthroughs from the fourth industrial revolution provide new opportunities for global prosperity and growth" Klaus Schwab at the WEF #AMNC24 Summer Davos
— Tim Hinchliffe (@TimHinchliffe) June 25, 2024
He also spoke of “limits to growth,” which many have interpreted as an endorsement of depopulation.

"The theme of this annual meeting is 'Next Frontiers For Growth,' but actually what we have seen in the presentations there are now Limits to Growth, provided we use technologies of the fourth industrial revolution in a wise manner" Klaus Schwab at the WEF #AMNC24 Summer Davos
— Tim Hinchliffe (@TimHinchliffe) June 25, 2024
Schwab, the architect of the so called ‘Great Reset,’ has in recent years said that he envisages humankind transitioning into a new age where there will be a “fusion of our physical, our digital, and our biological dimensions” in a “new world.”

Schwab has previously declared that this new era of integration with “digital technologies” will mean that “you do not even have to have elections anymore.”

He has also fantasised about humanity embracing brain implants and leaders having the capability to read everyone’s brain waves.

As we highlighted last week, Schwab is facing multiple accusations of sexual assault and creating a hostile work environment from female former employees at the WEF.

Watch: Klaus Schwab Says Humanity Must Be "Forced Into Collaboration" With Globalist Elites​

World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab told delegates at a conference in China this week that humanity needs to be “forced into a collaboration” with globalist entities.

Speaking at the WEF’s ‘Annual Meeting of the New Champions’, often dubbed the “Summer Davos,” in China, Schwab stated that in order to drive the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” forward, elites must aggressively drive their agenda home.

“To drive future economic growth we must embrace innovation and force the collaboration across sectors, regions, nations, and cultures to create a more peaceful, inclusive, sustainable, and resilient future,” Schwab proclaimed.

He added, “At this critical juncture the active participation of all stakeholders is essential to ensure a sustainable development path.”

In another clip, Schwab touted AI and other technologies becoming ubiquitous as a reason why humanity must “work together” with the global elite.

He also spoke of “limits to growth,” which many have interpreted as an endorsement of depopulation.

Schwab, the architect of the so called ‘Great Reset,’ has in recent years said that he envisages humankind transitioning into a new age where there will be a “fusion of our physical, our digital, and our biological dimensions” in a “new world.”

Schwab has previously declared that this new era of integration with “digital technologies” will mean that “you do not even have to have elections anymore.”

He has also fantasised about humanity embracing brain implants and leaders having the capability to read everyone’s brain waves.

As we highlighted last week, Schwab is facing multiple accusations of sexual assault and creating a hostile work environment from female former employees at the WEF.
he needs a bullet to the head, and thats the end of that discussion.

diy solar

diy solar