diy solar

diy solar

Second meter base


Solar Enthusiast
Feb 20, 2021
I have duke / progress for a power company and they have my solar back feeding to the grid via a 2nd meter and then to my double lugged primary meter. I'm not sure the use for the 2nd meter as it doesn't seem to do any reporting. I'm very rural and they've switched my primary meter a few times and finally put in a cell phone based reporting system. OK.... but here's my question about the 2nd meter. I want to rewire my system so that my battery inverters can draw from the grid and also export to the grid. Presently the system is setup to only export thru that 2nd meter. Will I screw up the tally of my exported power if I am both importing and exporting thru that 2nd meter?
I have duke / progress for a power company and they have my solar back feeding to the grid via a 2nd meter and then to my double lugged primary meter. I'm not sure the use for the 2nd meter as it doesn't seem to do any reporting. I'm very rural and they've switched my primary meter a few times and finally put in a cell phone based reporting system. OK.... but here's my question about the 2nd meter. I want to rewire my system so that my battery inverters can draw from the grid and also export to the grid. Presently the system is setup to only export thru that 2nd meter. Will I screw up the tally of my exported power if I am both importing and exporting thru that 2nd meter?
Sounds like what my power company, associated with Duke, does with all solar installs. Is it setup something like this picture? Are you on buy all/sell all?


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Sounds like what my power company, associated with Duke, does with all solar installs. Is it setup something like this picture? Are you on buy all/sell all?
Yes, that's exactly what I have. Including the emergency shut off. So can I buy/sell thru that or only sell?
The meter between inverter and power company connection is sell only. In my area that configuration is the only one allowed which not beneficial to the owner…ever. In all cases you need to sell the power first then immediately rebuy at a reduced price ($0.01 per kWh less in my case which is ridiculous). You can’t consume any any of the power you generate ‘behind’ the meter, it all
must sell first.

I would call your power company. I’m fighting this sell all/buy all mandate with my power company and city.

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diy solar