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diy solar

Signature Solar Update on Power Pro Unit Orders


Customer Experience Excellence Ambassador
Nov 21, 2022
Hi all, I trust this message finds each of you in good health.
I wanted to provide a collective update on our customers' orders for the EG4 Power Pro units. These units are in high demand and our customers continue to aggressively place orders. Please be assured that we are working diligently to get these items to our customers as soon as possible. Despite some shipping delays to our facility being beyond our control, we are dedicated to resolving this matter swiftly. Our customers’ satisfaction is our top priority. If you have ordered the Power Pro, please feel free to reach out to me directly at I’m more than happy to keep you informed with updates.

Thank you all for your understanding, and we sincerely appreciate your patience as we work diligently to resolve this situation.

Best regards
Hello Jess. I'm a bit confused on the overall availability of the PowerPros. There were multiple sale offers of this unit during the Thanksgiving weekend from some of your sub-sellers like Solar Sovereign but your site showed this was only available as pre-orders. However, when I called and spoke with some of these resellers they confirm the item is in stock and available to ship (seems from you). Now I'm having challenges getting shipping confirmation and reseller will definitely not meet the advertised delivery date. Today for example, your site still says Pre-Order but with delivery by 12/15. Your resellers do not show Pre-order and also have delivery dates. I made my decision for purchase based on availability and now will miss the forwarding freight pickup deadline. Can we understand if the units are available?

Hello Jess. I'm a bit confused on the overall availability of the PowerPros. There were multiple sale offers of this unit during the Thanksgiving weekend from some of your sub-sellers like Solar Sovereign but your site showed this was only available as pre-orders. However, when I called and spoke with some of these resellers they confirm the item is in stock and available to ship (seems from you). Now I'm having challenges getting shipping confirmation and reseller will definitely not meet the advertised delivery date. Today for example, your site still says Pre-Order but with delivery by 12/15. Your resellers do not show Pre-order and also have delivery dates. I made my decision for purchase based on availability and now will miss the forwarding freight pickup deadline. Can we understand if the units are available?

Hi @Yardinc I've sent you a DM requesting clarification. If you ordered through another company, we do not have access to view your order and you will have to reach out to them directly for an update. I will wait for your response and help any way I can!

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diy solar