diy solar

diy solar

Small off-grid cabin system design (in reverse?)

Thanks for the reply, does sound like we have very similar situations, only difference being we can access our cabin via roads. Still very remote and not the most friendly of roads. I like your recommendations. It's about where I am after reading a lot and the great comments on my post. I've pretty much decided to go with a 24v system and FLA batteries. I'm still trying to wrap my head around which inverter and/or charge controller(s) to use. So many options out there so I do appreciate your recommendation of Victron. Seems to be a lot of good out there about them recommendation wise.

My biggest hang up is what will work best down the road as micro-hydro is a very real possibility, in fact I have the ideal situation with a 2" water line running within 50 feet of my cabin. I get focused on that an lose sight of the bigger picture which is solar may be a real possibility, but not sure til I pay attention to the sun patterns this summer. My interest in micro hydro is it runs 24/7, regardless of the weather. However, in the winter, it is not an option, hence solar.

I will be charging this year with my generator. We are doing a remodel this year and the gen will be running a lot, so I think charging won't be an issue. Good to hear your experience with basically the same situation and ironically, pretty much powering the same list of items. I appreciate your thoughts and recommendations.

Road access is huge. We have to drag our stuff down a hill, walk a footpath for the boat. Everything has to be barged across. Bobcats and that stuff are not an option.

For us, less is more. Using less power is easier than generating it. Example: big water pump for lake water? Nope. Gas pump water to a holding tank on the roof + gravity = no power needed. If u want more pressure than a small 12v pump into a pressure tank.

Morningstar is another top tier product. Because we are remote, and getting stuff to and from is a big deal I just want my stuff to work. Can’t be driving and hauling,back and forth.
Been a few weeks since I posted and have had a chance to access our cabin for the summer. After analyzing the sun and direct sunlight we receive, I have determined solar is a viable option. In fact, I have dug the hole for the foundation for a solar array. I think it is going to work quite well.

I also started putting together the system, based on my original question and the comments received. I have purchased 8 - 6v 235amp FLA batteries. Going to run a 24v - 110 system. Don't really have a need for 220. Still trying to decide which inverter to use, but probably going to go with the Victon MultiPlus-II 3kVA 120V inverter - 70 Amp charger.

In trying to get the first part of the system up and working for some permanent power and have run into questions on fusing - what needs to be fused, how to determine what kind and size of the fuse(s). I'm using 2/0 wire to setup two banks of 4 batteries to create 24v, each bank wired in a series, then combining the two banks together in parallel for 470 amps. I'm planning to put a battery disconnect switch between the battery bank and the inverter.

In regards to fusing, I'm confused as I see some say to put a fuse on every battery, some say on each bank, some say just between the battery banks and the inverter. Any thoughts? Also, any recommended safety features I may have missed? Keep in mind this is just between the battery bank and the inverter/charger.

Also, how do you determine the size and type of fuse to use. I know there's a ton of info out there about it, but I find myself getting confused by almost too much info. I'd appreciate any thoughts you might have to help me dial this in.
