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diy solar

SOK SK48V100 Problems

Hi Dexter, thank you for the useful information.

The only problem I have is that my inverter discharge the battery until the battery goes into alarm.
Last time, it was around 4% SOC.

My inverter is connected to the battery using CAN. Is it possible that some information is not sent using the CAN connection and I really need
the RS485 connection?
I just read back and realized you aren't using SOK battery, so sorry if I'm confusing you talking about SOK batteries, but this thread was about them, now derailed...but either way.

The battery is programmed to stop the inverter at 5%. Why would you want the system to leave you in the dark? Normally generators are started before the system goes dark.
:) correct, I was not talking about SOK batteries.
isn't 5% SOC too low? many people say to respect the charge until 80% and discharge until 20%.....

Thanks :)
:) correct, I was not talking about SOK batteries.
isn't 5% SOC too low? many people say to respect the charge until 80% and discharge until 20%.....

Thanks :)
i have no experience with this inverter, but is this the manual?

It describes all the battery parameters meanings. You find the required numbers in the batteries datasheet, and input it via the LCD or an App.
However this inverter seems only to be able to do very "simple" decisions on what to do. So you may need an additional "controller" for more detailed "rules" when to supply from which source and for how long.
:) correct, I was not talking about SOK batteries.
isn't 5% SOC too low? many people say to respect the charge until 80% and discharge until 20%.....

Thanks :)
If 4000 cycles is not good enough for you, fine, stop discharging at 20%...but if you don't plan to push past that, it's money spent that never does anything. Most people value the lights not going off every night over getting 12 years over 10 years (worst scenario)
yes, that is the inverter.
I have utility available, so I changed setting 16 from OSO to CSO.
setting 12 on 48V (that gives me around 18% SOC)

That is the best setting I found that works for me...

But still wondering why I have no extra value using BMS, since I had to go back to USE and put in all the parameters manual.
(anyone with an Axpert having the same problem ?)

Thanks for the help, much appreciated !!
I found the source - the 2023 version of software (batteries production date 2022/08 or newer) has a new field for fully charged voltage. This is defaulted to 56v and needs to be increased to 57.6v.

We are having SOK change this, among a small handful of settings on the batteries to help them balance better in Victron systems, as there is occasionally an issue where the batteries trigger multiple cell imbalance warnings on the Cerbo when they are brand new.

In the meantime, the settings should be changed to match this photo - PM me for the parameter settings password:
First of all I would like to thank all the input on this form, for me especially @HighTechLab @Will Prowse @Off-Grid-Garage for there contribution on this form and on youtube. Keep up the good work so that we all can benefit from all of eachother input. (little bit starstruck when tagging them ☺️)

This is my first time on this form and have a question on setting the params on the 48V100 SOK batterypacks (#SK48100P202209....), i also have received my SOK batterys just now and had to make my own cable like @stromy. I am glad i found this post and the new software provided by Dexter.

My question: I want to correct the params provided by Dexter in de SOK battery, but than hit a brickwall. Can read them and have the Password to change them. But when i want to want to change them i get wrong valeus and want to write them an error. Hope you can help me.

fault1.jpgWhatsApp Image 2023-01-20 at 11.22.42.jpeg
First of all I would like to thank all the input on this form, for me especially @HighTechLab @Will Prowse @Off-Grid-Garage for there contribution on this form and on youtube. Keep up the good work so that we all can benefit from all of eachother input. (little bit starstruck when tagging them ☺️)

This is my first time on this form and have a question on setting the params on the 48V100 SOK batterypacks (#SK48100P202209....), i also have received my SOK batterys just now and had to make my own cable like @stromy. I am glad i found this post and the new software provided by Dexter.

My question: I want to correct the params provided by Dexter in de SOK battery, but than hit a brickwall. Can read them and have the Password to change them. But when i want to want to change them i get wrong valeus and want to write them an error. Hope you can help me.

i had the same problem. The software seems to only work in an English language environment in Windows.

So in Windows control panel change the language and locale to "English(US)". Then restart and the problem is gone.
i had the same problem. The software seems to only work in an English language environment in Windows.

So in Windows control panel change the language and locale to "English(US)". Then restart and the problem is gone.
Thanx for the Quick replay, and sollution perfect.

HHhhhmm i have to change the language of my intire windowns setup for one program. That is a bummer because it is alsow a fammely latop and englisch is not our native language. I am going to investigate this, maby use another windows profile and configure this as an englisch profile.
If anyone that is bilingual that is willing to help provide translations, we can add additional languages to the software's configuration, so please let me know. From experience, I do not trust Google translate for this task.
Dexter, I can help and add Dutch as language, let me know the procedure... thanks!
I am willing to help with a German translation, if you want to do it.
However i think its not worth the effort. This software is not for "Joe Average". You need to know some basics about battery technology to make any use of it. The technical terms and abbreviations are the same in any language, so no need for a translation.
However regardless of the SOKTools internal language, it should be fixed to run on any language version of windows.

Some other things i would prefer being improved:
1) print function: the batteries should be in use for 10+ years. So i want to document the settings. On paper, because who knows what software/environment will be in use in 10 years from now. Currently there is only "screen shot" for that.
2) provide some parameter.xml file with the software that contains the recommended settings for each type of battery. Maybe some additional files with variants of the parameters for extra performance or extra lifetime or other special uses.
3) provide some "help text" or "explanation text" e.g. as a "mouse over"-text that better explains the meaning/limits/recommendations/dangers of each setting/display value.
Currently there is only "screen shot" for that.
There is functionality to export logs as XML. will be documenting this.

the other two I will pass on to the main dev, as my ability to manipulate this capability is very limited
I am willing to help with a German translation, if you want to do it.
However i think its not worth the effort. This software is not for "Joe Average". You need to know some basics about battery technology to make any use of it. The technical terms and abbreviations are the same in any language, so no need for a translation.
However regardless of the SOKTools internal language, it should be fixed to run on any language version of windows.
Yes i agree @stromy . I also think is not worth the effort. Despite @HighTechLab meaning well. You have to be well known with this subject to configure the software but also the hardware right. Reading docs/form or any info about this subject in Englisch will be best practices in my opinion. This will also bring back any translation/interpretation errors to a minimum. Also you have to update all translations in all languages if the software changes, that can be challenging.
SOKTools internal language, it should be fixed to run on any language version of windows.
This i also agree
I will post pinout but I think your issue is voltage / signal levels of the converter. I got up early today and am going to the shop to check this first thing today.

EDIT: Signal levels are nothing special. Link to RS232 converter below.

Pinout drawing:

View attachment 128860

Here is also a link to the RS232 converter:

Did you install the drivers for the RS232 converter?
Do you have the pin-outs for the RJ12 6 pin connector. My SOK SK48V100 is 6 pins on the RS232 (SK48100P20220914..) ?
Hi, i have a Felicity Solar Battery (LPBA48100-OL) with a Pace BMS v1.3 (they told me...). I'm using the pinout Dexter posted with a Logilink AU0034 adapter, and with a real com port too. Pbmstools HS1.0.6. No connection, timeout only, whatever i try. Does anyone know if that software version and pinout should work for v1.3 too?
Can you confirm the pin out you used to get communication working, was it pin 3&4 for transmit and receive?

I can connect to my battery Via rs485, can see it's paceic, but cannot connect via rs232. Just will not connect. I understand you have to connect via rs232 to change the communication protocol, this cant be done via rs232?

Any chance you can add a dummies, step by step..

It's driving me insane, your post is the only thing I can find that's close to what my problem is
O.k. with this pinout, i can connect to the battery and read all status, etc.
However when i try to change the protocol to Pylon-CAN, i get "write error". The protcol display says "paceic".
Can you confirm the pin out you used to get communication working, was it pin 3&4 for transmit and receive?

I can connect to my battery Via rs485, can see it's paceic, but cannot connect via rs232. Just will not connect. I understand you have to connect via rs232 to change the communication protocol, this cant be done via rs232?

Any chance you can add a dummies, step by step..

It's driving me insane, your post is the only thing I can find that's close to what my problem is
The pinout from reply #8 in this thread works for me. Depending on the manufacturing date of the battery, you have to use a matching version of the SOKTools program.
I found the source - the 2023 version of software (batteries production date 2022/08 or newer) has a new field for fully charged voltage. This is defaulted to 56v and needs to be increased to 57.6v.

We are having SOK change this, among a small handful of settings on the batteries to help them balance better in Victron systems, as there is occasionally an issue where the batteries trigger multiple cell imbalance warnings on the Cerbo when they are brand new.

In the meantime, the settings should be changed to match this photo - PM me for the parameter settings password:

I have a couple of these batteries which are causing me a little trouble. I note that my settings don't exactly match the ones you suggested in Jan (see mine attached) - are these still the recommended settings? I'll PM for the password if so.


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My battery pack has been going into OCP at, for instance, 47A and 55A (see attached logs). Can anyone explain what's going on here?


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Does anyone recognize the symptoms I've posted above? I trying to understand why a pack would go into DSG OCP at less than 100A but I'm out of ideas.

I'll pursue the matter with SOK Europe for a warranty claim if not.

Hi, i have a Felicity Solar Battery (LPBA48100-OL) with a Pace BMS v1.3 (they told me...). I'm using the pinout Dexter posted with a Logilink AU0034 adapter, and with a real com port too. Pbmstools HS1.0.6. No connection, timeout only, whatever i try. Does anyone know if that software version and pinout should work for v1.3 too?
I have an older battery from QH Technology. I have been unable to communicate with its RS232 port. It has an older Pace BMS. I'd like to try PBMStools HS1.0.6 - where did you download it? Is it still available somewhere?

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diy solar