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diy solar

Solar and the Economy Your Thoughts??? Or anything else on your mind!

I never said anything about spending anyone's money. I simply stated that there are plenty people who will have priorities far in front of getting an off-grid self reliant power generation system. I probably paid more in taxes than most people earned last year so there's that...
I’m sure you did and being prepared doesn’t need to involve solar. Most of us didn’t start this journey last week. The best neighbor I can be is to not be a burden on anyone else. I could spot you a mile away on a dark day. Dime a dozen.
There are 11 million children in the US who can't afford school lunches.
Why do you think this is? What is keeping these people from feeding their children? Why are the parents not working and doing everything they can to feed the children they are responsible for? I'm very curious as to your solution.
The pioneer sprit is what made this country possible. So sad to see the majority perfectly happy to depend on others for their survival. This forum and many other things are luxuries. If they ended today no big deal. The real meat and potatoes needed to survive I have well covered along with the skill set to match. I am perfectly capable of producing everything we need to survive most catastrophies. While technically it’s impossible to cover all the markers I have covered those I can.
The pioneer was not a solitary induvidual or even a single family, even those that did go off on their own would not have been able to if it wasn't for a whole bunch of other people. I assume you live in the US, if so, I urge you to educate yourself in the history of your beautiful country and start well before the Pilgrims (illegal migrants) arrived, somehow I think that is overlooked.
Why do you think this is? What is keeping these people from feeding their children? Why are the parents not working and doing everything they can to feed the children they are responsible for? I'm very curious as to your solution.
I'm sure it's because they failed to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
The pioneer was not a solitary induvidual or even a single family, even those that did go off on their own would not have been able to if it wasn't for a whole bunch of other people. I assume you live in the US, if so, I urge you to educate yourself in the history and start well before the Pilgrims (illegal migrants) arrived, somehow I think that is overlooked.
American history is chocked full of rugged individualism. America wasn’t built on hugs and kisses or Thanksgiving dinner with the Indians.
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I believe that it is a worthwhile investment.

I wanted to upgrade my power connection from single phase to three phase here in Australia. It is 10 meters from my private pole to the pole transformer on an 11KV pole. Due to our corrupt ASP system here in Australia where you buy the assets and gift it to the power company, and because the upgrade costs were $100K AUD I told them that I wasnt interested. I have subsequently revised my outlook to be more self sufficient with the single phase connection and use it as a backup while I progressively go off grid.

We also have power supply reliability issues where we are living including outages lasting a few days. We are also on tank water so if we lose the grid, we also lose the ability to access our water, which could become a big problem. Therefore, phase one of my off grid rollout is going to be getting the septic and the water tank working on an off grid setup so they run when the grid is down. Its also the reason I joined this learn more about the best way to provide energy security to my family.
That’s what it’s all about brother.
Great thread.

Regardless of the economy, I would always want the non-connected-to-the-grid solution. That's just me, however. It's hard to tell when the economy or other things may take a turn for the worst. It's just how I am and I'm not alone in this idea.

This is a case by case for every person. Many previous posts have made very good points, I'm stating the obvious.
Some people like to get their food, water, sewer etc from the government. Some of us like doing it on our own. I just happen to be smarter than most government workers and prefer doing it my way.
I believe that it is a worthwhile investment.

I wanted to upgrade my power connection from single phase to three phase here in Australia. It is 10 meters from my private pole to the pole transformer on an 11KV pole. Due to our corrupt ASP system here in Australia where you buy the assets and gift it to the power company, and because the upgrade costs were $100K AUD I told them that I wasnt interested. I have subsequently revised my outlook to be more self sufficient with the single phase connection and use it as a backup while I progressively go off grid.

We also have power supply reliability issues where we are living including outages lasting a few days. We are also on tank water so if we lose the grid, we also lose the ability to access our water, which could become a big problem. Therefore, phase one of my off grid rollout is going to be getting the septic and the water tank working on an off grid setup so they run when the grid is down. Its also the reason I joined this learn more about the best way to provide energy security to my family.
You came to the right place. This thread with all the elevated blood pressure is atypical. There are incredible resources here from a lot of very talented people. Welcome aboard and good luck with your plans!
It is when it is off-topic, maybe you'd like to start a threat in the chitchat zone so we can go back to the economics, I would like to see what other people think.
I started this thread and I think it’s on topic and relevant.

diy solar

diy solar