diy solar

diy solar

Solar edge inverter (adding panels)


New Member
Sep 27, 2020
I have a grid system, 9kwh.... grid tie solar edge inverter, (12k) i hit 7-8k max so I was thinking of adding a few more panels. I have solar world 290’s with “maximizes”
so my ? Is, I think I have another input for a second string in the inverter, can I just add any set of panels I want, and can I add them w out maximizes? Or do I hav to find the same panels w maximizers....
Thanks George, sounds like I have to research more of my actual setup etc, I’ll open it up and post some more pics if I recall correctly all my panels went into two of the 4 availible “ports” So its seems its not as simple as just adding more panels to the other two....
My plan is adding a few more panels or repositioning what’s up on roof to a ground mount possibly, I’ve got 20 or so facing east, and 10 facing west, it’s just annoying they are not in optimal positions


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So the “open ports” I had were where the pos/neg go into the shut off switch. Panel wires come in from bottom right 2pos 2neg and a ground. So to add more panels I’d just have to splice in up on my existing panels correct? Or can I use those two open terminals?


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Interesting, and as most solar "guys" are like used car salesmen the installers are not to far off........ in full Fl Sun, I generally hit 8500w max. So you think think its worth wiring it up correctly at this point, or just add a few more panels? I was thinking of moving my 10 west facing panels on a new roof we have from an addition which is a perfect south facing roof, I'm thinking just adding a few more panels is the easiest thing to do at this point, unless I feel like rewiring the whole mess..... another guess is that the installers were prob just taught this way as its the easiest way, it was a 2 man crew and only one seemed like he knew what he was doing, anyway... still thinking just adding a few more panels is easiest at this point, I'll just plug them in and see what does w/ my numbers, thanks again for the tips
Guess I’ll start panel shopping, the original ones are new, but I found a local guy who gets mixed panels on pallets from somewhere and just repairs/resells them, I bought two lg 330w panels a few days ago for 130 each just for a small project at dads house. Wondering if I can skip the middle man and buy pallets of used panels somewhere


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