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diy solar

Solar edge optimizer on eg4 6k?

No. SE half assed cross vendor compatibility and apparently makes it super hard to buy the components to unlock them. Unlocking with the mythical key invalidates RSD, but with a 6000EX code compliance is arguably not important.

Look into Tigos.

Wait 6-12 months for the SE competitor micros (with MPPT and more complex string voltage management, like the ones from SolArk) to get covered in DIY and YouTube.

Technically SE can be used if you buy the hacked ones from China. But having someone overseas preprogram for you doesn’t feel scalable/maintainable. If someone in US figures out how the hacking was done and releases a tool then it’s a more reasonable workflow. Still likely cursed for RSD and probably violates SolarEdge installation rules so not code compliant either
Note: with those SE style optimizers that are coming out the extra complexity of total string voltage management may wreck compatibility with arbitrary inverters. And getting it wrong at configuration time means smoking the MPPT. Imagine accidentally setting things up so the total string voltage lands at 400V on a 200V MPPT. With everything in the same manufacturer it’s less likely to happen.

EDIT: this complexity also means a decreased likelihood of cross vendor compatible optimizers of the new generation. Tigos being simple and limited in what they can do have the advantage that these issues don’t come up for them.

diy solar

diy solar