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diy solar

Solar Panels in series question


New Member
May 15, 2024
Riverdale, CA, USA
I recently got the Aptos DNA panels Will mentioned in his video and was setting them up for my off grid system. I tested the voltage of one panel by itself and it reads around 35 volts and 5 amps. I hooked 9 of them in series and test the voltage and amperage on the unconnected wires and it reads around 335 volts and 50 amps. Is this because there is no load? The only connection for the two ends of the series string is the multimeter probes. I'm confused. In series the voltage should increase but not the amperage correct? I tried looking here on the forums but couldn't find anything on this so sorry If this has been asked or discussed. Thanks.
That was my thought also. The panels arent at a good angle for this time of year I have them at about 45 degrees and facing approximately south so that in January I will get more out of the panels.

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