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diy solar

Solax X1-Hybrid-G4 settings confusion


New Member
Aug 18, 2023
Essex, England
Hi, recently had Solax system fitted (X1-Hybrid-G4 5.8 with 2 x 5.8 batteries. I'm trying to get my head around the inverter settings. Main problem is that the phraseology used in the manual is different to that in the actual setting screen, eg Manual says 'Active charging time period' settings screen says 'Forced charge period' I assume these are the same thing. What I am trying to accomplish is this...
My supplier (Octopus) is currently offering, on an ad hoc basis, 2 or 3 hours of FREE electric at various times of the day, today is the first day between 1400 and 1600. I want to use this to charge my batteries if required, heat my hot water tank, do the washing etc. How do I set this up? At the moment I have set the following
Mode = Self use
Forced Charge Period Start time = 14.05
Forced Charge Period End time = 15.55
This I hope will force the grid to supply anything required that is above what the PV can generate. Normally these are both set to 00.00 ie off.
Also I have...
Allowed Discharge Period Start time = 00.00
Allowed Discharge Period End time = 23.59
These are the normal settings for discharge but will this conflict with the Forced Charge Period settings?
I hope this makes sense, any help is gratefully received.
Many thanks
You probably found that these settings worked provided your battery level was above 10%. Please let us know!
Bit late but you have to set both charge and discharge settings so for your example I’d set
Force charge start 14.01
“. “. End. 15.59
Discharge start 16.00
Discharge end 14.00

It’s a bit long winded but does work
Bit late but you have to set both charge and discharge settings so for your example I’d set
Force charge start 14.01
“. “. End. 15.59
Discharge start 16.00
Discharge end 14.00

It’s a bit long winded but does work
That’s what I was advised to do by the installers. It does seem to work. I’m still learning the system, but it seems to me that it might be useful to have a force-discharge option, for careful and controlled use, obviously. As I understand it, if you want to dump surplus energy to the Grid (eg at export peak rate time), you first have to switch to the Solax manual mode. So a bit of a faff.

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