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Solis S5-EH1P3.6K-L Inverter Firmware


New Member
Jan 5, 2023
I have a Solis S5-EH1P3.6K-L Inverter, I don't really know how old this unit is, or if the firmware is upto date.

How can I determine what the latest firmware is? I have enabled firmware updates in the app, however the Solis website suggests only S6-xx models are updatable over the internet. (Anyone know if this is true?)

It's currently running:

Model: 3102
Software: 3F003C

Is this the most recent production release?
The S5-EH1P range is still current and came out (and UK approved) just under 2 years ago IIRC.

Do you have a specific issue that requires a firmware upgrade? I prefer the "if-it's-not-broken-don't-fix-it-attitude".

But it is possible to have an upgrade if required; you will need to contact Solis tech support in the UK. They are usually quite responsive (<24h) you can submit an online ticket via:-

Solis can update your firmware remotely if you have a datalogger on your inverter with an internet connection.

Other people have reported that their inverters (S5) and others have been updated automatically after they accepted the new option for automatic updates. I didn't accept mine and my S5-EH1P3K is still on version 3D0037, so it looks like you are on a newer version.

I don't know what the latest version is. Solis aren't forthcoming about that or what each version fixes.
Its scary because they can do an update without your knowledge and/or permission, if they can then so can others if they break the access protocols. I have taken my Solax inverter off the cloud for that reason.
Its scary because they can do an update without your knowledge and/or permission, if they can then so can others if they break the access protocols. I have taken my Solax inverter off the cloud for that reason.

You know how digital signing works right? how about balance of risks?

Obviously offline is safest, however if you do use cloud services, not taking updates is likely more risky than taking them.
As well as the security concerns @kommando mentioned regarding 3rd party bad actors, there is no way I want any device of mine connected openly to a Chinese company who could retrieve data from it at will, to monitor my activity, monetise my data or to be able to remotely alter or disable it if they so wished. For that reason I do my own monitoring of my Solises and don't use their cloud-based apps for that.

Both of my Solises work as I want them to. They are stand-alone. Unlike (say) an Interconnected PC, nothing is going to change to make them work differently (apart from a technical failure, but that is unlikely to be resolved via a firmware upgrade).

Maybe I'm just old, but for similar reasons I'd never buy a Chinese EV that could be remotely monitored or disabled at will.


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