diy solar

diy solar

Source of power Voltronic type inverter


New Member
Jul 9, 2023
Hi all, I haven't seen this asked before or maybe I have mised it. I have a Voltronic type 5Kwh hybrid inverter. It is currently configured as SBU as the source for load power. My main issue is it appears to be, even when PV power is sufficent enough to power the lloads, the inverter still wants to draw power power from the batteries, not sure of this is by design and cannot work off one source of power. This would not make sense at it works with just grid power alone. Image from DessMonitor attached. Your thoughts are welcome.


  • dess.png
    123.2 KB · Views: 6
Your image does not show power coming from battery. It seems to show battery at 81% so it would be charging since the PV is 786w and the load is 382w. 786-382w=404w of charge.
Your image does not show power coming from battery. It seems to show battery at 81% so it would be charging since the PV is 786w and the load is 382w. 786-382w=404w of charge.
Its definetley drawing from the battery, another image attached.
In that image it does show that 72w is coming from the battery. Since the load is less than PV supply by near half either your device is consuming the extra or it is not accurately measuring the various input/output. Time to break out your DC clamp ammeter and DMM and double check things.
Its definetley drawing from the battery, another image attached.
View attachment 216947
Consistently draining power from battery even with a lot of solar power or just blink of eye?
If the battery drain just happening in quick succession, perhaps you have inductive load such as variable compressor that drain power in PWM style. The solar can't keep up with sudden power draw which is why it drain from the battery.