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diy solar

SPD location at main panel or at inverters feeding main panel


New Member
Aug 10, 2022
Hey, I’m looking to add whole house AC surge protection, and I am pretty tight on breaker slots at the main panel.

I am currently completely off grid and have a split phase 240v system feeding the main panel via a two pole 60 amp breaker. I am looking at purchasing a midnight Solar MNSPD-300-AC.

Since my ac is provided to the main panel via the inverters, could I install the SPD upstream at the inverters 2 legs of AC out?

I have a 60amp AC disconnect that would be easier to connect the SPD to.

Or is there some benefit I am unaware of as regard the main panel placement?

Distance from the inverters to the main panel is about 60ft.


-Edit just to confirm my main purpose right now is minimizing negative effects on electronics when the inverters drop from high loads. I am guessing being upstream would give less protection to my house in the event of a large lightning strike
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Why would you put them on the AC side ?
Surely protecting the PV input is all that is required.
Distance from the inverters to the main panel is about 60ft.
If this distance is outside between buildings. I would recommend putting an SPD on both ends.
But if you only have one, you will have to pick which end you want to protect.
(Appliances or inverters)
Why would you put them on the AC side ?
Surely protecting the PV input is all that is required.
I have noticed some fluctuations on my electronics when the inverters are under high load/dropping to low load, so would like to prevent any long term damage.

Yes I currently have SPD’s on the PV side already.
If this distance is outside between buildings. I would recommend putting an SPD on both ends.
But if you only have one, you will have to pick which end you want to protect.
(Appliances or inverters)
The distance is within the property (garage to mechanical room).

would there be a better location for appliances in terms of small surges/abnormalities in daily use?

My primary concern is brown outs/voltage drop from running high loads.
The distance is within the property (garage to mechanical room).

would there be a better location for appliances in terms of small surges/abnormalities in daily use?

My primary concern is brown outs/voltage drop from running high loads.
If you are trying to protect your appliances from the inverters (shouldn't have to), anywhere between is fine.

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