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diy solar

Sunny Boy 7.7 initial start up question - do I need the communications feature to bring it on line?


New Member
Sep 20, 2022
I will be starting up a Sunny Boy 7.7-US inverter soon. As I read thru the manual there is a great deal of instructions regarding connecting the inverter to a WiFI or locally to a phone or PC. I have no interest in that feature and can't tell if some external communications are required to get the inverter configured and started up. A lot of the instructions assume proficiency with network tech which I don't have.
I don't have one of these newer SMA's as my old ones work fine but reading the instructions the minimum for setup would be an app on the phone. You need to set the grid code using the phone or it will take whatever it's set to out of the box as permanent after 10 hrs of running time. If you can get the seller to set the right grid code before despatch plus user and installer passwords you want then you should not need technical know-how.
I have a six year old SMA 7.7 -40 and would like to add just a little bit to what kommando has offered. If memory serves me correctly, the device will work out of the box, but there are things that should be set up.

Rapid shutdown: yes or no
Parallel strings on A & B:??

You should really take the time to set up user and installer passwords. If you have the wifi module, then upon start up (or after commissioning), you can connect your laptop to the inverter by connecting to wifi network SMA XXX, and then typing into your browser address bar at the top (at least that's the latest info available to me via google).

Why set up user and installer passwords? Wifi is on by default and after 10 hours, the WPA password on the side of inverter can be used to log into your inverter. The first person logging into the inverter after commissioning is the person that gets to set the inverter passwords and can then control the inverter. If you don't change the passwords, some clown in your neighborhood might have enough skills to be the first person logging into your inverter therefore locking you out of your inverter.

If you don't have the wifi module, then there is a lot less worry.

You need to log into the inverter in order to perform functions like system reset, firmware upload, string learning reset if you move strings around, reset arc fault detection if nuisance arc fault ever happens, etc.

Also, since this is an obsolete inverter (-40 or -41), I would advise going to the SMA website and download the latest firmware. Firmware can get corrupted, and a fresh upload is one way to correct that problem.

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diy solar