diy solar

diy solar

Suppose I want a 12v 100 AH battery w/o bms. Have any recommendations

如果您正在寻找不带电池管理系统 (BMS) 的 12V 100Ah 电池,请务必注意,通常建议为锂离子电池配备 BMS,以确保安全高效运行。BMS 有助于保护电池免于过度充电、过度放电和其他可能缩短其使用寿命或造成安全隐患的潜在问题。

但是,如果您仍然喜欢不带 BMS 的 12V 100Ah 电池,您可以考虑寻找传统的铅酸电池,这种电池并不总是需要 BMS。铅酸电池通常用于各种应用,并且以可靠性和与锂离子电池相比更低的成本而闻名。

如果您正在寻找不带电池管理系统 (BMS) 的 12V 100Ah 电池,请务必注意,通常建议为锂离子电池配备 BMS,以确保安全高效运行。BMS 有助于保护电池免于过度充电、过度放电和其他可能缩短其使用寿命或造成安全隐患的潜在问题。

但是,如果您仍然喜欢不带 BMS 的 12V 100Ah 电池,您可以考虑寻找传统的铅酸电池,这种电池并不总是需要 BMS。铅酸电池通常用于各种应用,并且以可靠性和与锂离子电池相比更低的成本而闻名。


Google translate says

If you are looking for a 12V 100Ah battery without a battery management system (BMS), it is important to note that it is often recommended that lithium-ion batteries be equipped with a BMS to ensure safe and efficient operation. A BMS helps protect the battery from overcharging, over-discharging, and other potential issues that can shorten its lifespan or pose a safety hazard.

However, if you still prefer a 12V 100Ah battery without a BMS, you may consider looking for a traditional lead-acid battery, which does not always require a BMS. Lead-acid batteries are commonly used in a variety of applications and are known for their reliability and lower cost compared to lithium-ion batteries.

When choosing a lead-acid battery, be sure to choose a reputable brand and check the specifications to ensure it meets your requirements for capacity, voltage, size, and other factors. In addition, consider proper charging and maintenance methods to ensure optimal performance and lifespan of the battery.
Google translate says

If you are looking for a 12V 100Ah battery without a battery management system (BMS), it is important to note that it is often recommended that lithium-ion batteries be equipped with a BMS to ensure safe and efficient operation. A BMS helps protect the battery from overcharging, over-discharging, and other potential issues that can shorten its lifespan or pose a safety hazard.

However, if you still prefer a 12V 100Ah battery without a BMS, you may consider looking for a traditional lead-acid battery, which does not always require a BMS. Lead-acid batteries are commonly used in a variety of applications and are known for their reliability and lower cost compared to lithium-ion batteries.

When choosing a lead-acid battery, be sure to choose a reputable brand and check the specifications to ensure it meets your requirements for capacity, voltage, size, and other factors. In addition, consider proper charging and maintenance methods to ensure optimal performance and lifespan of the battery.
Sounds like an AI response.
It was very proper and translated back from chinese basic so well that either the google AI doing the translation was correcting the gramer, OR it was originally in english and translated to chinese basic before posting .... I really suspect it is the google AI helping with the translation now.

Usually if I take something and translate it then translate it back it is pretty changed.

diy solar

diy solar