diy solar

diy solar

Terminology confusion


Solar Wizard
Sep 8, 2021
On a boat usually.
So when does a charge-verter become an AIO become a inverter-charger? When someone is trying to search for a piece of equipment it seems there is a lot of gray area in terminology used.

Some examples include the good old AIO like the MPP units or the Aims charger-inverters or something that sure sounds like something in between?

How are these things differentiated? What search string can you use to specify things one way or the other? Where would you prefer one type over the other when it seems they're essentially the same thing?
Chargeverter: take an AC input source (grid or generator) and make it DC to charge the battery. Nothing more.
Inverter-Charger: take DC from the battery and turn it into AC, and if you put a generator/grid on to it, it can convert back from AC to DC to charge the battery.
All in One: does what the inverter-charger does, but adds a solar MPPT input as well.

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diy solar