diy solar

diy solar

This is what 60KWH looks like

Ok, so each pair of 8S battery is coming from a different EV (you have a battery coming from 5 EV) because most modules in a Kia/Hyundai are 10S.
So, 59V battery with 66V-48V range. What will be connect to this battery?
No every cell has the same info on them .... I've pulled the original ev packs apart and reconfigured them into 8s bricks 10 of them . The packs are compressed and contain original hardware to join cells.... it's been a lot of work really there definitely kia hyunday lgchem batterys
Selectronic sp pro SPMC481AU
Nice! Seem a nice 5kW unit able to output 12 kW for 30s and allow an input of 40-68Vdc.
The main danger with your battery is in case of overvoltage/overcharge, so be safe and add multiple protection level.
Something like the inverter and/or the MPPT is set to don't overcharge, the BMS look there is no overcharge and a second voltage recorder look a the BMS and stop everything in case of malfunction ;)
This is the final set up bouble cement lined with glass insulation box . 60mm cavity on all side insulated.... closed cell foam seal and stored away from house .... let the reassemble and commission begin 17003702622714458696766782101985.jpg


Can someone tell me if the inverter communication cable is just strait through or do I have to have a pinnout for each end?
The most dangerous part of this setup is not LG Chem cells, it's those stupid balancers.
If this setup ever goes up in flames I bet it will be caused by balancers.