diy solar

diy solar

Trophy Battery at 100% SOC ---> BAD

Prediction: "Dan was very helpful and bent over backwards helping me get my situation resolved."
Wasn't there a story floating around that a customer had a problem and he drove like 1000 miles to replace the cells inside his battery?

Don't know how true it was, but it would be pretty incredible in this day and age
Wasn't there a story floating around that a customer had a problem and he drove like 1000 miles to replace the cells inside his battery?

Don't know how true it was, but it would be pretty incredible in this day and age

I just know he spent an absurd amount of time on the phone with ME helping get his actual customer (not me) sorted out. I honestly couldn't gently get him off the phone. Long after the issue was resolved, I resorted to, "Hey Dan! Thanks for spending so much time with me on the phone. You're a busy man, I'm going to let you go now, have a nice night!"
I just know he spent an absurd amount of time on the phone with ME helping get his actual customer (not me) sorted out. I honestly couldn't gently get him off the phone. Long after the issue was resolved, I resorted to, "Hey Dan! Thanks for spending so much time with me on the phone. You're a busy man, I'm going to let you go now, have a nice night!"
I had the exact same situation and result. I was helping someone install a system, and couldn't the Cerbo to see the two Trophy batteries we had installed. I think I had three phone calls with Dan, and in the end the problem was with how we installed. Turns out we had the wrong cables. He didn't stop until he knew we had ordered the correct new cables. He's really incredible.

diy solar

diy solar