diy solar

diy solar


i really want me some gorilla grip pussy now... but not if it looks like that... Candace Owens.. oh yeah...😘 Fani Willis no thanks :sick:
No not her…. Probably Catch something ajax and green scotch brite would not take off. What kind of woman names her bluetooth device “gorilla grip pussy.” Hmmmm that woman is probably like throwing hot dog down a hallway for reality.

Mike Johnson needs to press criminal charges… refer for criminality….also preemptively refer the fbi …. Put them on criminal actions instead of pandering…..


Therefore we know hillary has bigger pecker then obuma too…… No not Big Mike but Barry.

After the Judge ruling with Fani … we now have degraded requirements to be lawyers. Which agree with. We should have eye for eye and tooth for tooth laws…. No more elected judges. Mob Rule. It is what they want. We don’t need police - what they want. Let’s do it. 😀🤣🤡☠️


Mike Johnson needs to press criminal charges… refer for criminality….also preemptively refer the fbi …. Put them on criminal actions instead of pandering…..

View attachment 203022

Therefore we know hillary has bigger pecker then obuma too…… No not Big Mike but Barry.

After the Judge ruling with Fani … we now have degraded requirements to be lawyers. Which agree with. We should have eye for eye and tooth for tooth laws…. No more elected judges. Mob Rule. It is what they want. We don’t need police - what they want. Let’s do it. 😀🤣🤡☠️

View attachment 203023

I live here. You don't understand how dumb these fucking people are.

Imagine equating that you're a good person because you lowered the standards of entry into a profession.

Now you're going to have even more retards suing people for stupid shit.
I live here. You don't understand how dumb these fucking people are.

Imagine equating that you're a good person because you lowered the standards of entry into a profession.

Now you're going to have even more retards suing people for stupid shit.
I made mistake of my life not being a CON MAN….always thought if not smart most ppl had common sense.
Boy was I wrong. I realized how many ppl could have been easily fleeced. I know why small hats do it. However also know they would try to arrest me because am not part of their Mafia. They would be protecting their territory. They have caputured most things in our country.

When see ppl with Rings through their nose it is obvious ….. dumbest mf’ers ever crap between pair of shoes. I look and just shake my head because farmers put rings in farm animal noses. Here we have ppl marking themselves same with nose ring. 🤡

The Ppl in charge are making their move on the take over because they assessed with Covid-19 that majority of ppl will comply. They also know most boomers are not well enough to resist. Lot of boomers are dead. So after dumbing down majority of current society even more the time is right to take over from the inside….where we allowed them easy access. Idiocracy the movie is reality…now.

“I have yet to hear in the chairman’s opening the allegation that they are specifically charging the president of the United States with. I am hearing about the ‘Biden family.’ I am hearing about this and that. I am not hearing the specific allegation by this committee. What is it? It is not here. And that is the problem,”
Any of you guys interested in buying a bridge or some land on mars? Let me know

The House Oversight Committee is holding a hearing Wednesday in the GOP impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden that will feature Hunter Biden’s former business partners Tony Bobulinski and Jason Galanis and former Rudy Giuliani associate Lev Parnas.
Parnas, a Ukrainian businessman who worked closely with former Trump attorney Giuliani in 2018 and 2019 to try to find damaging information on Joe Biden, began his opening statement by slamming former President Donald Trump and his associates for pushing what Parnas said were false claims against the Biden family.
“The American people have been lied to, by Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and various cohorts of individuals in government and media positions,” Parnas said in his opening statement. “They created falsehoods to serve their own interests knowing it would undermine the strength of our nation."
Parnas maintained that there was no evidence of Biden family corruption involving Ukraine and that the baseless accusations against the president came from the Russian government.
"The only information ever pushed on the Bidens and Ukraine has come from one source and one source only: Russia and Russian agents," he said, adding that impeachment proceedings against Biden were "predicated on false information spread by the Kremlin."
In his written statement to Congress, Parnas also called out Trump allies such as former Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., and Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., as well as some prominent right-wing media figures for spreading misinformation about the Bidens.
“Every person integral to this shadow diplomacy knew that the Biden corruption rumors were baseless," Parnas said. "Then-Congressman Devin Nunes, Senator Ron Johnson, and many other individuals understood that they were pushing a false narrative. The same goes for John Solomon, Sean Hannity, and media personnel, particularly at Fox News, who used that narrative to manipulate the public ahead of the 2020 election. They are still doing this today, as we approach the 2024 election.”

A black woman with blonde hair. Talking to a professional 🤡. Msnbc is clown show. They both lied under oath. The judge should have recused himself. …since he had worked for Fani and contributed to her campaign. Any doubts as to his dislike of trump? Because judge knows there was a perjury felony done in his court as a witness then he to is now guilty of accessory.
T-minus 4 days
The best part is after Scotus declares Presidents and ppl under them can be held accountable. Glorious. The 1st black president - clinton can be tried and sentenced. Obuma will be next. Bush too. Hillary …. Then all of congress. I am 100% for doing away with police. 🤡
The best part is after Scotus declares Presidents and ppl under them can be held accountable. Glorious. The 1st black president - clinton can be tried and sentenced. Obuma will be next. Bush too. Hillary …. Then all of congress. I am 100% for doing away with police. 🤡
I'm glad we agree on people being held accountable. With evidence and what not.
I'm glad we agree on people being held accountable. With evidence and what not.

We will never forgive and we will never forget. I do blame Trump for not bringing in Martial Law. He knew bad things would happen.
He turned out be a fat pussy on that one. Amazed the Left have not tried Trump for what their BLM Antifa did in 2020 vs just what BLM Antifa did on 6 Jan 2021.
Remember Joe Biden biggest video announced election fraud team ever and they did the same for Obuma…. got him reported 81 million votes in 2020 which means he is most popular president ever. Right? How many votes will he get in 2024?

Jill Biden’s new book only sold around 200-250 books in first week. Hmmmm think the book publishers funneled - gave $10’s of millions of dollars on those book deals. Obama made around $60 million for 1 of his book deal.



diy solar

diy solar