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diy solar


ROFL @ your savior..... As i said time and again Trump only cares about Trump....

View attachment 202231
c=not saying you are wrong, as I think Trump will and does do a good job out of simple narcissism. he wants to be seen as the savior so he creates solutions to the problem to bolster his own self image.

that being said as long as he solves the problems whats your complaint? that killiary did nto solve them... that gropey joe did not solve them? you seem to have a hard on for a guy that did exactly what he promised. I did not vote for him at first (nor shillary) but after watching his performance with both parties going against him full speed I was like fuck yeah... so ....
show some empirical evidence or go off around the corner and continue to fornicate with yourself.
c=not saying you are wrong, as I think Trump will and does do a good job out of simple narcissism. he wants to be seen as the savior so he creates solutions to the problem to bolster his own self image.

that being said as long as he solves the problems whats your complaint? that killiary did nto solve them... that gropey joe did not solve them? you seem to have a hard on for a guy that did exactly what he promised. I did not vote for him at first (nor shillary) but after watching his performance with both parties going against him full speed I was like fuck yeah... so ....
show some empirical evidence or go off around the corner and continue to fornicate with yourself.

The problem is he doesnt.
Lots of theatrics, but globalist agenda marches forward.
Prove me wrong.
Looks like the judge in the Georgia / Fani Willis Trump case is trying to have it both ways. Yesterday, he threw a bone by tossing out some of the charges .... Today, he throws Wade off the case, but lets Fani remain .... That makes no sense .... they were both guilty of lying under oath and more.

Seems to me our first impression when Fani was testifying that the judge was trying to protect Fani .... was correct. The case will proceed with Fani, but she may already be fatally wounded and just doesn't know it yet.

..... and then there's this.

Looks like the judge in the Georgia / Fani Willis Trump case is trying to have it both ways. Yesterday, he threw a bone by tossing out some of the charges .... Today, he throws Wade off the case, but lets Fani remain .... That makes no sense .... they were both guilty of lying under oath and more.

Seems to me our first impression when Fani was testifying that the judge was trying to protect Fani .... was correct. The case will proceed with Fani, but she may already be fatally wounded and just doesn't know it yet.

..... and then there's this.

With out question Fani is the truly guilty one and the Pawn was tossed into the wind..... There is no two tied Justice system my ASS!
The problem is he doesnt.
Lots of theatrics, but globalist agenda marches forward.
Prove me wrong.
Are you ready to pick up a weapon and fight the bad establishment that you proclaim rules us or are you willing to take Trump over the present administrative Govt which have seriously out right PLANNED AND have NOW ruined our country.
I’m willing to take Trump to try and save what remains and at least restore back to pre-covid….. which I know as a realist will never happen. Our present course with Biden is obvious if it continues - cease to exist .

Aenyc - you couldn’t get a gathering to follow you if gave them money. Trump has a following and ppl give him money to try and fix this country. All you do is kill their hope and dreams of not having to pick up weapons and kill ppl. Is that what you want - blood? You will hide under your bed in the basement if war breaks out but the probable truth is sometimes doubt you are even living in the USA.

You want to keep bad ppl the military aspect of the democrats protected no no look over here we have the real boogey men. Shhhsss don’t call them jews like Soros. Shssss call the oligarchs Elite so on. With your bs they remain hidden and undefined enemy - someone that because their identity are hidden can't be focused on ….. that is your end result.
Who are ppl suppose to blame for this bs we are living in right now? They are definitely not going to blame themselves because “ we the ppl” allowed it.

When the dog gives me ….. fleas I don’t kill the dog. I kill the fleas that bit me and are living on the dog. You are the type that blames the dog and not the parasites. America has a lot of parasites feeding on it and they are making our lives a living hell. I am old and going to die soon. Best to leave my type alone.
Looks like the judge in the Georgia / Fani Willis Trump case is trying to have it both ways. Yesterday, he threw a bone by tossing out some of the charges .... Today, he throws Wade off the case, but lets Fani remain .... That makes no sense .... they were both guilty of lying under oath and more.

Seems to me our first impression when Fani was testifying that the judge was trying to protect Fani .... was correct. The case will proceed with Fani, but she may already be fatally wounded and just doesn't know it yet.

..... and then there's this.

It was obviius what he was doing. 🤡 Sad we live in clown world

Post in thread 'Trump'
All you do is kill their hope and dreams of not having to pick up weapons and kill ppl.
D71, that does seem the most prudent thing to do, your way would lose us the 2nd. with the 28th

kill ppl never works out good for anyone(after 2000). 1800's you could pull it off, 1900's you could still hind it.
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D71, that does seem the most prudent thing to do, your way would lose us the 2nd. with the 28th

kill ppl never works out good for anyone(after 2000). 1800's you could pull it off, 1900's you could still hind it.
Tommy we have a severe communication problem. You have a serious problem with comprehension. You act like a FED. IMG_5551.jpeg
D71, that's one way to characterize it, reasoning adult would be another.

anyone who thinks they are on equal force footing as the FED, may not be a reasoning adult, IMO
Tommy you are trying to paint ppl with a picture based off few words taken out of context …. Personally I don’t like nor appreciate that. Most ppl have put you on ignore…. I hate doing that to ppl.

I am well aware of what a civil war would bring. I have not advocated for it because again I know the death and destruction they are willing to do which with Joe Biden is Tanks , Planes and Nukes. The President threatened the USA citizens with a Nuke in his Role of highest Govt Official in the land. All they are doing is looking for an excuse. They can also sweep all their criminal actions under the rug. Bidens swept their criminal actions under the rug with 6 Jan 2021 when he made video about biggest Election Fraud Team since Obuma. Say Biden lied. Sorta how and why they setup 6 jan 2021 for the dumb fucks that got pulled into it. 6 Jan 2021 Cover their trail of crimes by Biden.

Best govt win ever. FED incited. The democrats loved it …no one marches against them now. They can send tranny - pedo into schools to mentally rape children and you are fine with it. They can allow mentally broken tranny to enter schools and kill then hide the manifesto and you are fine with it. You by not saying anything = silence is violence. You say trump did 6 Jan 2021 so that means we have no representative govt. Right? Trump is as bad as the Left?

Tommy your iq is not high enough to have worked on nukes with everything required for that job field especially with your own described mental condition.
When you are pressed you always retreat to claimed mental disability. No?

Come on….say something based on few of my words that you twist like a pretzel.
Personally I don’t like nor appreciate that. Most ppl have put you on ignore…. I hate doing that to ppl.
D71, my bad, I'll leave you be.

my comments were to give the old guy in Alabama something else to think on.
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D71, my bad, I'll leave you be.
Tommy am trying to treat you like everyone. That man you ran away from in Alabama … my crazy ass would have stayed out there and probably talked to him. Like bad neighbors.
Ruby ridge started because of bad neighbors making false claims…. to the Govt.
Looks like the judge in the Georgia / Fani Willis Trump case is trying to have it both ways. Yesterday, he threw a bone by tossing out some of the charges .... Today, he throws Wade off the case, but lets Fani remain .... That makes no sense .... they were both guilty of lying under oath and more.

Seems to me our first impression when Fani was testifying that the judge was trying to protect Fani .... was correct. The case will proceed with Fani, but she may already be fatally wounded and just doesn't know it yet.

..... and then there's this.

The judge no doubt wants some “Gorillia grip pussy”. He should go screw himself if he wants pussy.

It ended the way figured it would and you are right seen him giving lead way to fani at the start as in defense
Meanwhile this guy is scheduled report for jail-prison for defying the Congress 6 Jan 2021 Select Committee.

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think the best thing that could happen would be for the locals in these areas to remove the judges, and i am not talking in a kind fashion. they have continually twisted the rule of law to attach others and cover for themselves.
and with check this outs googly eyes, we know who really want to support outright authoritarianism
Tells us you are not a communist blm antifa.
I support feeding the hungry and clothing the poor and healing the sick. I guess that makes me a commie like Jesus.
Tell me you are against those. Oh wait, you tell me every chance you get.
I support feeding the hungry and clothing the poor and healing the sick. I guess that makes me a commie like Jesus.
Tell me you are against those. Oh wait, you tell me every chance you get.
Are you a christian…. No. Typical a commie would weaponize Jesus for your communist agenda.

Still got your antifa uniform?

diy solar

diy solar