diy solar

diy solar


I am merely posting events as they happen .... Events that I come across in the course of my reading. These events should be particularly interesting to you since you would never see them if they weren't posted here.

There are going to be MORE Supreme Court decisions to post about.
The jigs up Bob. We know your a Russian Troll.
If I set up a thread dedicated only to pro-Biden post and no talk of trump at all, could you, would you stay off it?
First of all I don't think their jobs allow them to stay away from Biden Posts :whistle:
First of all I don't think their jobs allow them to stay away from Biden Posts :whistle:
Bob B's a lost cause, I was talking about checkthisout who claims they are just here to "keep our sanity".
If that's the reason, they shouldn't mind a thread that is pro Biden, with no mention of trump.
As cheskthisout said "Biden voters are irreconcilable".

I'll bet if I set up just such a thread, they couldn't resist attacking, demonizing and threatening every poster.
The jigs up Bob. We know your a Russian Troll.
Only Three Possibilities based on the Number of Trump Based Posts he has made.

1) Russian Troll paid by the FSB to keep Americans divided.
2) Works for one of those PACs to spend half the day Trolling various Forums to drum up Support for Trump.
3) A Very lonely guy who feels betrayed by the Democrats. He thinks that if he could reverse time back to the 1950's the country would be great.
By your reply i can see it was a perfect example that you could not refute, so you instead diverted to a personal attack.
Keep on throwing stuff, maybe one day you will hit the Target :ROFLMAO:
Simply a observation that repeated it's self over and over. The fact that you perceive it as a "personal" attack tells volumes. Thank you for your honesty.
Only Three Possibilities based on the Number of Trump Based Posts he has made.

1) Russian Troll paid by the FSB to keep Americans divided.
2) Works for one of those PACs to spend half the day Trolling various Forums to drum up Support for Trump.
3) A Very lonely guy who feels betrayed by the Democrats. He thinks that if he could reverse time back to the 1950's the country would be great.
Careful...... Your Paranoia is leaking out.
Simply a observation that repeated it's self over and over. The fact that you perceive it as a "personal" attack tells volumes. Thank you for your honesty.
Keep going your still not hitting the target :ROFLMAO:
Only Three Possibilities based on the Number of Trump Based Posts he has made.

1) Russian Troll paid by the FSB to keep Americans divided.
2) Works for one of those PACs to spend half the day Trolling various Forums to drum up Support for Trump.
3) A Very lonely guy who feels betrayed by the Democrats. He thinks that if he could reverse time back to the 1950's the country would be great.
The more you post the more you demonstrate that you have fallen into the deep end and don't know how to swim. You do, however, have more imagination than I thought.
The more you post the more you demonstrate that you have fallen into the deep end and don't know how to swim. You do, however, have more imagination than I thought.
With that imagination, maybe you can imagine an organization born from families with multigenerational wealth who are bored with wealth and want more and more power and won't be satisfied til their world wide power grab is complete.

Imagine that organization co-opting people and tactics spawned and refined from organizations like the the CIA. They would strive to control social media, large corporations, schools, media, law enforcement, banks .... and on and on .... and definitely politicians.
They would absolutely love the career politicians who have likely been corrupted over the course of their career ..... the organization would control these politicians by holding information that would ruin them if they step out of line.

What is that organization going to think about a newcomer to the political scene who actually wins the presidency? He is a President with an America first agenda who talks about exposing the swamp .... wants to close the US border to illegal immigration .... and they don't have any real dirt to control him with ....... What are they going to be willing to do to try to control him?

It doesn't take a Herculean imagination to fill in the blanks.
Why is that noone is addressing the real problem - free shit which is the lure for the illegal immigrants.
The wall will not help if free shit is waiting.
I want to see anyone at least make a promise to end free shit!
And We and by we I mean Democrats, Independents and the 50% of Republicans that are not supporting Trump know that his followers are nothing more than Cultists. We just wish we had a better option than Biden but if Biden is the only palatable dish on the Menu it's a lot better than voting for a Narcissist lunatic like Trump.

What policies of Trumps do you not like?
Only Three Possibilities based on the Number of Trump Based Posts he has made.

1) Russian Troll paid by the FSB to keep Americans divided.
2) Works for one of those PACs to spend half the day Trolling various Forums to drum up Support for Trump.
3) A Very lonely guy who feels betrayed by the Democrats. He thinks that if he could reverse time back to the 1950's the country would be great.

Democrats are the only ones running troll farms.

That's why they made up the Russian troll farm narrative but have exactly Zero evidence to support it.

Are you a software geek? I live around a bunch of pussy-whipped software geeks who love Biden and hate Trump.

I don't know why many software geeks are that way.
First of all I don't think their jobs allow them to stay away from Biden Posts :whistle:

Of course. You like Biden's handlers border and covid policies and then you consult your wife to see if she'll let you buy a new inverter and then says it's ok but only if you put on a pussy hat and go to the pro-abortion March. ?
With that imagination, maybe you can imagine an organization born from families with multigenerational wealth who are bored with wealth and want more and more power and won't be satisfied til their world wide power grab is complete.

Imagine that organization co-opting people and tactics spawned and refined from organizations like the the CIA. They would strive to control social media, large corporations, schools, media, law enforcement, banks .... and on and on .... and definitely politicians.
They would absolutely love the career politicians who have likely been corrupted over the course of their career ..... the organization would control these politicians by holding information that would ruin them if they step out of line.

What is that organization going to think about a newcomer to the political scene who actually wins the presidency? He is a President with an America first agenda who talks about exposing the swamp .... wants to close the US border to illegal immigration .... and they don't have any real dirt to control him with ....... What are they going to be willing to do to try to control him?

It doesn't take a Herculean imagination to fill in the blanks.
What if it's Aliens and the Lizard People are really running the Planet.:alien:

Your mental state is worst than I thought, they have got you fully QAnon programmed.
Do you live in Paranoia that the State is coming after you if you talk too much?
Do you keep turning off your cell phones when you and your buddies talk in person or has it reached the metal lined bag stage?
Are you using those right wing chat rooms and forums for info? (I can tell you that half of those are really run by the FBI)

Try to keep what sanity you have left intact.
I will just go on with my Life if Trump Wins the next election but I feel like your Brain will explode if he loses it.
If I set up a thread dedicated only to pro-Biden post and no talk of trump at all, could you, would you stay off it?

No. Only fruitcake incel males vote for Biden.

Biden voter's poor wives have to be the man of the house because their whipped husbands leave them no choice.
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What if it's Aliens and the Lizard People are really running the Planet.:alien:

Your mental state is worst than I thought, they have got you fully QAnon programmed.
Do you live in Paranoia that the State is coming after you if you talk too much?
Do you keep turning off your cell phones when you and your buddies talk in person or has it reached the metal lined bag stage?
Are you using those right wing chat rooms and forums for info? (I can tell you that half of those are really run by the FBI)

Try to keep what sanity you have left intact.
I will just go on with my Life if Trump Wins the next election but I feel like your Brain will explode if he loses it.

We already know Biden will win. There are so many neutered, pussy-whipped male voters who just never get it.

Trump guys are the minority. Male Biden voters and women share a lot in common.
No. Only fruitcake incel males vote for Biden.

Biden voter's poor wives have to be the man of the house because their whipped husbands leave them no choice.
I’d like to see you tell that to this guys face;
Superstar Dwayne Johnson, who appears in the Fast & Furious franchise, made his first-ever presidential endorsement on September 27 in a video he released to his social media followers.

"Joe, you've had such an incredible career, and you've led with such great compassion, heart, drive, and soul," Johnson said.
I’d like to see you tell that to this guys face;
Superstar Dwayne Johnson, who appears in the Fast & Furious franchise, made his first-ever presidential endorsement on September 27 in a video he released to his social media followers.

"Joe, you've had such an incredible career, and you've led with such great compassion, heart, drive, and soul," Johnson said.
Or this guy;
Golden State Warriors point guard (and producer of ABC's "Holey Moley") Stephen Curry and Food Network star and host Ayesha Curry both addressed the 2020 Democratic National Convention on August 20, 2020.

"We want to ensure that our kids live in a nation that is safe, happy, healthy and fair and so this election..." said Ayesha Curry.

"...We're voting for Joe Biden," finished Stephen.
Or this guy;
Golden State Warriors point guard (and producer of ABC's "Holey Moley") Stephen Curry and Food Network star and host Ayesha Curry both addressed the 2020 Democratic National Convention on August 20, 2020.

"We want to ensure that our kids live in a nation that is safe, happy, healthy and fair and so this election..." said Ayesha Curry.

"...We're voting for Joe Biden," finished Stephen.
Or him;
Springsteen told Rolling Stonemagazine, "I think if we get Joe Biden, it's gonna go a long way towards helping us regain our status around the world."
I’d like to see you tell that to this guys face;
Superstar Dwayne Johnson, who appears in the Fast & Furious franchise, made his first-ever presidential endorsement on September 27 in a video he released to his social media followers.

"Joe, you've had such an incredible career, and you've led with such great compassion, heart, drive, and soul," Johnson said.

Oh look. You're influenced by movie stars.?

The rock take roads and has had to have bitch tit surgery multiple times due to the uptick in estrogen.

As if to prove my point.
I just want to see just how deep a hole you’re willing to dig.
When trump wins he’ll bury you in it
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diy solar

diy solar