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diy solar


What’s wrong with this guy;
Veteran actor Robert Redford endorsed Joe Biden in an July 8 op-ed he wrote for CNN.

"Biden leads with his heart," Redford wrote. "I don't mean that in a soft and sentimental way. I'm talking about a fierce compassion — the kind that fuels him, that drives him to fight against racial and economic injustice, that won't let him rest while people are struggling."
insult this guy;
After sparring with President Trump over the use of his songs at a July 4 event at Mount Rushmore, Neil Young updated the lyrics of his 2006 song "Lookin' for a Leader" to endorse former Vice President Biden.

"Yeah, we had Barack Obama, and we really need him now," Young sings. "The man who stood behind him has to take his place somehow."
What if it's Aliens and the Lizard People are really running the Planet.:alien:

Your mental state is worst than I thought, they have got you fully QAnon programmed.
Do you live in Paranoia that the State is coming after you if you talk too much?
Do you keep turning off your cell phones when you and your buddies talk in person or has it reached the metal lined bag stage?
Are you using those right wing chat rooms and forums for info? (I can tell you that half of those are really run by the FBI)

Try to keep what sanity you have left intact.
I will just go on with my Life if Trump Wins the next election but I feel like your Brain will explode if he loses it.
So ..... You are able to extrapolate upon what you have been spoon fed .... but you don't have any real ability to do critical thinking.

George W. Bush Condemns the Trump-Era Republican Party​

The former president didn’t criticize his successor by name, but he said in a rare interview that his party has become ‘isolationist, protectionist and, to a certain extent, nativist.’
The span bot is at it again.....That you Leo?

George W. Bush won't support Donald Trump’s reelection, report says​

Former President George W. Bush — and some other prominent Republicans — won't be voting to reelect Donald Trump, The New York Times reports.

Putin ‘has Trump’s number’ and still sees him ‘as an asset’,​

The following members could not be found: Nobohybusinesd.
Could it be because of his threatening remarks?

Who cares? You're still a pussy hat-wearing sissy who falls prey to "influencing".

This is literally "wallet inspector" stuff you're falling for.

Biden voters. ????

diy solar

diy solar