diy solar

diy solar


As someone who had COVID (2 weeks of lethargy and hard of breathing 4 weeks of 2 missing senses) months before the US even had a case I just have to say "your nuts" I thought my autistic paranoid Marxist brother was bad but you make him seem like a normal 100% functional person of society.
I actually agree with you on masonic numbers. I personally think its BS, although you must admit there is a weird fascination of the "elites" with all this mysticism.

I reposted something from another user (i often do this). Next time i will edit out things i do not necesserily agree upon.
being that the formulas that the numbers come from are all taught in middle school... pretty sure they are not that secret.
As someone who had COVID (2 weeks of lethargy and hard of breathing 4 weeks of 2 missing senses) months before the US even had a case I just have to say "your nuts" I thought my autistic paranoid Marxist brother was bad but you make him seem like a normal 100% functional person of society.
had covid (tested and confirmed) 3 times. once in early 2020 after executing a contract at hokaido in february.... guess what Hokaido is full of that time of the year? Chinese tourists... they were not even calling it Covid at the time. about a month later the passenger liner docked in YHokohama and a lot of people died sitting tied up at the pier. got it two more times with lessor symptoms each time. the first time it had me down for about a week total, fevers for about 4 days including some delirium tremors when the fever peaked and then felt like a bag of sloppy shit for the next 2 weeks. the next two times they actually tested me and made me stay locked up in my house with the last time me having a mild fever and just generally being bored out of my skull... then the US government made me get the shot....
On this we agree but isn't this the antithesis of voting for more government? This is a genuine question.

And even if this came to be, how long would it take for all of them to be replaced by the runners up?
You are admitting that the government is captured (lobbyists, noone is even denying this even officially). I do not see a single politician calling an end to lobbyists (ever).

What can we deduct then?
we can deduct that all humans are corrupt and from time to time you simply need to kill off the more degenerate ones.
we can deduct that all humans are corrupt and from time to time you simply need to kill off the more degenerate ones.

My deduction is that if the good ones stop being indifferent or worse following the orders of the bad ones, we would be much better off.
Tirrany is the price people pay for their indifference.
My deduction is that if the good ones stop being indifferent or worse following the orders of the bad ones, we would be much better off.
Tirrany is the price people pay for their indifference.
so then we agree that the good ones need to eliminate the bad ones... now its just down to whichever side thinks its the good guys... :rolleyes:
had covid (tested and confirmed) 3 times. once in early 2020 after executing a contract at hokaido in february.... guess what Hokaido is full of that time of the year? Chinese tourists... they were not even calling it Covid at the time. about a month later the passenger liner docked in YHokohama and a lot of people died sitting tied up at the pier. got it two more times with lessor symptoms each time. the first time it had me down for about a week total, fevers for about 4 days including some delirium tremors when the fever peaked and then felt like a bag of sloppy shit for the next 2 weeks. the next two times they actually tested me and made me stay locked up in my house with the last time me having a mild fever and just generally being bored out of my skull... then the US government made me get the shot....
First reported case was in Thailand I caught it literally a few days after when doing a visa trip to loas (the sandwich country between Thailand and China) before the boarders closed.
My sister in law is a doctor here and another sister is the head pharmacist for the nearest main hospital so they isolated me to the top floor of our house and pumped me full drugs as they had no idea how contagious it was at the time and likely it would have cost me a small fortune to be treated at hospital. I've pretty much had every vaccine available at this point from the cheap Chinese one that became widely available in Asia to Pfizer, astra and a few others after catching it initially I never caught it again or maybe I did and the jabs were enough for me to brush it off no idea what the circumstances were around the viruses release or how bad the vaccines were/are but anyone claiming the virus wasn't real is a nut job.
so then we agree that the good ones need to eliminate the bad ones... now its just down to whichever side thinks its the good guys... :rolleyes:

The bad ones only need to be eliminated when they make physical threats.
Imagine if the good ones simply stopped obeying tyrranical dictates? What would the bad ones do? What if 90% of people did not comply with covid shot?

Florida covid mandates was a perfect example. It was no De Santis good heart that dropped them. Its was that vast majority did not comply, so this forced him to drop them to avoid looking weak and stupid. (Same with Noem who was smart enough not to even try)
My deduction is that if the good ones stop being indifferent or worse following the orders of the bad ones, we would be much better off.
Tirrany is the price people pay for their indifference.

Ha ha.

Have you seen the amount of people still wearing masks.

I went to Bryce Canyon NP and looked down at the ground on an outdoor viewpoint to see the worn out social distancing stickers still stuck on the pavement.
First reported case was in Thailand I caught it literally a few days after when doing a visa trip to loas (the sandwich country between Thailand and China) before the boarders closed.
My sister in law is a doctor here and another sister is the head pharmacist for the nearest main hospital so they isolated me to the top floor of our house and pumped me full drugs as they had no idea how contagious it was at the time and likely it would have cost me a small fortune to be treated at hospital. I've pretty much had every vaccine available at this point from the cheap Chinese one that became widely available in Asia to Pfizer, astra and a few others after catching it initially I never caught it again or maybe I did and the jabs were enough for me to brush it off no idea what the circumstances were around the viruses release or how bad the vaccines were/are but anyone claiming the virus wasn't real is a nut job.
Oh it was very real... the hype and the BS behind it was all that hype and BS, that and a way to pay a bunch of money ot the stockholders of the drug companies.... Oh and fauchi should be executed for funding gain of function research in china...mother fucker thinks he got away with it.... hope he makes the mistake of stepping into the wrong city where he has no friends... bet they take their time on his wanna be Mengele ass
Ha ha.

Have you seen the amount of people still wearing masks.

I went to Bryce Canyon NP and looked down at the ground on an outdoor viewpoint to see the worn out social distancing stickers still stuck on the pavement.

So i am right then? It is the indifference and stupidity of the good ones?
so then we agree that the good ones need to eliminate the bad ones... now its just down to whichever side thinks its the good guys... :rolleyes:
Now you know why laugh when Right wants to civil war….. they will shoot one another
Ha ha.

Have you seen the amount of people still wearing masks.

I went to Bryce Canyon NP and looked down at the ground on an outdoor viewpoint to see the worn out social distancing stickers still stuck on the pavement.
I wear a mask, when I'm sick.
My wife literally bought tonnage when COVID was full swing I know it's not going to protect me from anything but atleast when I have flu I have the courtesy to try prevent spreading it to others. I also have gallons of alcohol gell which I use to clean around the house now.
I wear a mask, when I'm sick.
My wife literally bought tonnage when COVID was full swing I know it's not going to protect me from anything but atleast when I have flu I have the courtesy to try prevent spreading it to others. I also have gallons of alcohol gell which I use to clean around the house now.

When you are sick, stay home and get well.
You are not protecting anyone with your mask, in fact you are making things worse.
So i am right then? It is the indifference and stupidity of the good ones?

Too many times, I have been the only one to speak up only to have two-faced cowards use it as an opportunity to ingratiate themselves to those I'm going up against or simply sit back and watch and pretend to be happy.

So there is that.

You and I mostly agree but you post some really stupid 911 Truther buildings were blown up type shit as well as a massively jumbled argument against climate change. You argue that the temperature records are fake while also arguing that the warming is normal while at the same time arguing there is no warming at all.

You make sane logical people look bad if you're standing on their side in any given fight.
I wear a mask, when I'm sick.
My wife literally bought tonnage when COVID was full swing I know it's not going to protect me from anything but atleast when I have flu I have the courtesy to try prevent spreading it to others. I also have gallons of alcohol gell which I use to clean around the house now.

The only way to prevent spreading it to others is to sit at home until you're better.
Too many times, I have been the only one to speak up only to have two-faced cowards use it as an opportunity to ingratiate themselves to those I'm going up against or simply sit back and watch and pretend to be happy.

So there is that.

You and I mostly agree but you post some really stupid 911 Truther buildings were blown up type shit as well as a massively jumbled argument against climate change. You argue that the temperature records are fake while also arguing that the warming is normal while at the same time arguing there is no warming at all.

You make sane logical people look bad if you're standing on their side in any given fight.

You have to read between the lines.
As i said, i often repost articles that i come in contact with and some of them certainly have things that i do not fully agree on.
But all of this stuff requires critical thinking.

The ultimate point i am trying to make is that there are forces in motion, which i often summarize as "global oligarchy" that are very eager to use advances in technology to achieve their forever-wish of complete and total control and the narratives that are being made to achieve that, to turn the screw slowly, to slow boil you so you dont notice.

I am in the technology field, and over the last 20 years i have seen a very eerie "evil usage" of tech once its ready enough and tested enough on the populace under the guise of "convenience").

A lot of articles will get a lot of it, but then will miss some, that is only normal for humans (for example with climate change - like recent warming is a result of the Tonga volcano eruption, or the real story behind "carbon credits", etc).

I also appreciate the historic perspective many articles provide which makes the idea of what many call "conspiracy" undeniable, and the label "conspiracy theory" being used when you are right over the target. But you have to be careful because "False narrative" is being used when they want to discredit you (For example a favorite was labeling you a flat earther when you questioned covid shot).

The most amazing thing though for this particular crowd is that many know and understand of completely corrupted govt, special interest (other word for oligarchy) completely owning them, the understanding of this system always conspiring against the people (ie. things we agree upon), but for some reason refuse to think that events like 9/11 were staged (Even after numerous evidence is presented).

I raised a similar question for the general populace - why is it when a true expert on a field sees an article in MSM can immediately spot the BS and say "this is complete baloney", but totally believe the same MSM on all other issues?
The only way to prevent spreading it to others is to sit at home until you're better.
Not always an option when your the primary taxi man for sick children(normally the Petri dishes I catch things from) or their grandparents when they need hospital care. Most people need a valid reason to go into the public when their sick unless they're complete idiots.
Too many times, I have been the only one to speak up only to have two-faced cowards use it as an opportunity to ingratiate themselves to those I'm going up against or simply sit back and watch and pretend to be happy.

So there is that.

You and I mostly agree but you post some really stupid 911 Truther buildings were blown up type shit as well as a massively jumbled argument against climate change. You argue that the temperature records are fake while also arguing that the warming is normal while at the same time arguing there is no warming at all.

You make sane logical people look bad if you're standing on their side in any given fight.
Do you buy the official govt and news media story ? 😁 my govt is truth. 🤓🙃 You worry what others think to much. Structual steel does not melt and run from a “jet a” fuel fire.

What would most criminal crooks do to get a piece of $30+ trillion dollars? Follow the money…like baby bush skull bone man stated. Attention. About face run away from that statement.
Not always an option when your the primary taxi man for sick children(normally the Petri dishes I catch things from) or their grandparents when they need hospital care. Most people need a valid reason to go into the public when their sick unless they're complete idiots.

Understandable, but at least do not lie to yourself and others.

Your mask makes things worse (because it concentrates your viruses and bacteria especially as it gets wet from breathing and from your dirty hands, which then get blown off your mask in much greater quantity not to mention from your hands constantly touching your petri-dish mask.
Do you buy the official govt and news media story ? 😁 my govt is truth. 🤓🙃 You worry what others think to much. Structual steel does not melt and run from a “jet a” fuel fire.

What would most criminal crooks do to get a piece of $30+ trillion dollars? Follow the money…like baby bush skull bone man stated. Attention. About face run away from that statement.

Yes. 2 planes were crashed into the buildings.

The ensuing chaos is a result of those two plane crashes.

Yes, fires weaken steel. That is why they spray insulative coatings onto structural steel. The hope is the coating protects the steel from absorbing too much heat before the fire burns out. That's why all fire barriers have a time/temperature curve.
Not always an option when your the primary taxi man for sick children(normally the Petri dishes I catch things from) or their grandparents when they need hospital care. Most people need a valid reason to go into the public when their sick unless they're complete idiots.

We all have kids and grandparents and parents.

There was nothing special about your situation.

Like others, you believe masks work. They clearly do not.

Rather than inquire about why some wouldn't wear masks, you used it as an opportunity to ingratiate yourself to other believers by accusing them of not caring about the spread of disease.

As if to prove my point.
We all have kids and grandparents and parents.

There was nothing special about your situation.

Like others, you believe masks work. They clearly do not.

Rather than inquire about why some wouldn't wear masks, you used it as an opportunity to ingratiate yourself to other believers by accusing them of not caring about the spread of disease.

As if to prove my point.
No idea of the science but common sense would dictate that if you sneeze or cough and you cover your mouth with your hand sealing a piece of fabric against it your face your going to stop airborne particles.

You pointed out that people are still wearing masks I'm giving you a valid reason why they would do so there's nothing to get angry or defensive about.
No idea of the science but common sense would dictate that if you sneeze or cough and you cover your mouth with your hand sealing a piece of fabric against it your face your going to stop airborne particles.

You pointed out that people are still wearing masks I'm giving you a valid reason why they would do so there's nothing to get angry or defensive about.

I don't need you to tell me the rationale people are using to justify still wearing masks. Masks don't work.

If one believes masks work and ridicules others for not wearing them but then goes out in public, clearly sick. Coughing, wheezing etc and thinks the mask will stop their liberal aids from I infecting others then clearly that person is an illogical, hypocritical piece of shit.

diy solar

diy solar