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diy solar


I don't need you to tell me the rationale people are using to justify still wearing masks. Masks don't work.

If one believes masks work and ridicules others for not wearing them but then goes out in public, clearly sick. Coughing, wheezing etc and thinks the mask will stop their liberal aids from I infecting others then clearly that person is an illogical, hypocritical piece of shit.
Were you taught to cover your mouth when cough or sneeze? 😀

They work to a degree. Why doctors wear them in surgery.

Are - were they worn properly in Covid - hell no. Germs on outside and shit grows on old mask like Petra dish.
Were you taught to cover your mouth when cough or sneeze? 😀

They work to a degree. Why doctors wear them in surgery.

Are - were they worn properly in Covid - hell no. Germs on outside and shit grows on old mask like Petra dish.

Sure. They stop a direct shot of sputum or sneeze yeets but the Wuhan Wheezer and other airborne germs that thrive in the upper nasal tract don't need visible droplets to spread.

If they were that easy to stop, Fauci and friends wouldn't have been trying to cleave other germs onto coronaviruses as part of their side gig germ warfare projects.

Imagine Russia. "Damn it! We could have wiped all of those fucking yankees off the map if not for those cloth pawprint masks sewn up by nanna from leftover scraps from Linens & Things"
Sure. They stop a direct shot of sputum or sneeze yeets but the Wuhan Wheezer and other airborne germs that thrive in the upper nasal tract don't need visible droplets to spread.

If they were that easy to stop, Fauci and friends wouldn't have been trying to cleave other germs onto coronaviruses as part of their side gig germ warfare projects.

Imagine Russia. "Damn it! We could have wiped all of those fucking yankees off the map if not for those cloth pawprint masks sewn up by nanna from leftover scraps from Linens & Things"
Why didn’t the shit kill all our elderly politicians. Just a conspiracy theory. Biden had covid vaccines and reported covid more then anyone. How were the elderly politicians spared? Trump had it - reportedly. Trump pushed - still pushes vaccine like a red butt baboon
Why didn’t the shit kill all our elderly politicians. Just a conspiracy theory. Biden had covid vaccines and reported covid more then anyone. How were the elderly politicians spared? Trump had it - reportedly. Trump pushed - still pushes vaccine like a red butt baboon

Covid only killed 10% of people that died between 2020-2023 and even many of those are false attributions, akin to blaming a hurricane for a rotten tree falling over.

Edit: But yeah, nowadays the only thing that makes them quit is dying of old age.
Covid only killed 10% of people that died between 2020-2023 and even many of those are false attributions, akin to blaming a hurricane for a rotten tree falling over.
Lost 3 family members actual cause was UNTREATED SEPSIS. only the 1 without vaccine was marked covid death. The other 2 were not. 1 had blood clots then sepsis . I know for fact 1 was doing good - getting better but was given Remdesivir shortly after died kidney shutdown sepsis. Typical.

I’m aware of the numbers got the shit was sick as dog. Stayed my ass out of hospital or probably be gone too. That would of made bunch ppl happy. 😀 F them.
Sure. They stop a direct shot of sputum or sneeze yeets but the Wuhan Wheezer and other airborne germs that thrive in the upper nasal tract don't need visible droplets to spread.

If they were that easy to stop, Fauci and friends wouldn't have been trying to cleave other germs onto coronaviruses as part of their side gig germ warfare projects.

Imagine Russia. "Damn it! We could have wiped all of those fucking yankees off the map if not for those cloth pawprint masks sewn up by nanna from leftover scraps from Linens & Things"

Whats funny is that Russia went full in on this scam. Some things transpired in Ru that did not even happen in Blue NY/NJ (Such as banning entry to grocery store without QR code)
I am a bit hard towards Trump at times….I do not believe he would have done the Biden type pushed mandates.

Biden went around the law and pressured employers to pressure employees. That was is criminal. Ppl should sue employers
Why didn’t covid kill all those crusty ass life time elderly politicians. The vaccine did not save their ass. They took something else that they denied us is my guess. What did they take? Does Biden really have Covid again.?

Did any crusty politicians die from covid? Any of them at all? Covid number 1 killer was stated elderly. Why weren’t the crusty bastards - politicians killed by it. Were they all vaccinated with same vaccine as everyone else?

Why were jewish ppl flying back to Israel taking the shot then flying back to where they had come from. RFK jr had the right questions but was shut down and called antisemitic. 😀 Typical. Kinda ruined RFK’S political jog. How and what is Trump planning to do with RFK jr in his ADMIN?

RFK is a bit out there on a lot of things….climax change for instance - wanted to punish deniers. Wants guns gone. Several things …so how does Trump plan to use RFK jr? Why did RFK jr post their supposed private phone call? Politics? Scuttle? Hmmm questions.

Be something if Trump uses RFK jr go after the medical ppl - covid vax but ….would he dare? Hmmmm… The medical industrial complex will kill you and bury the evidence literally.
The elderly are hindrance to implementation of digital gulag. Therefore they are first on the chopping block.
Almost everyone younger is now firmly in love with their digital leash.
The leash will be tightening soon.
The elderly are hindrance to implementation of digital gulag. Therefore they are first on the chopping block.
Almost everyone younger is now firmly in love with their digital leash.
The leash will be tightening soon.
Buddy if you have a computer or cell phone then you have a leash They have camera everywhere too. Everywhere. Orwell would shit.

diy solar

diy solar