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I actually expect them to pop in Michael Obama while finally admitting the obamas are gay and michelle is a man. It was Barrack Obama that called it Michael = MICHAEL in a video. Freudian Slip.

That would explain the GOVT SPONSORED - EXCESSIVE TRANSGENDER PUSH. After all who would not vote for a woman with a kick stand? Right? The transgenders are small-tiny percentage of population and they want superiority not equality. There is huge reason.

Big percentage of White America are bunch of ignorant pukes and would accept an open tranny president that just popped out of the living lie - closet if it happens. Watch and see. It was Obama that said “never under estimate Joe Biden’s ability to screw something up.“ The Hunter Biden laptop and criminal corruption exposed just such a major Biden screw up. To much to hide so the criminal left mixed with criminal Rino want Biden and Trump gone. Ever seen a criminal want to get caught? The Left fear they are going to prison with a reliable concern for their past criminal actions under the Trump, Biden, and Obama admins.

This is why the next video admission happened:
1:40 time mark

Bidens response:

Only Joe Biden can tell the actual truth and still have so many ppl dismiss it. Wtf is wrong with ppl? Biden said and then did exactly that. Are you ppl on the Left retarded or just career criminals too? Biden has been a Govt sponsored career criminal for 50+ years.
This is what i was talking about. Trump is simply being used to set legal precedent

From A US President To A Local School Trustee: No One Is Safe In An Era Of Kafkaesque Absurdity​

“Someone must have been telling lies about Josef K., he knew he had done nothing wrong but, one morning, he was arrested.”
- Franz Kafka, “The Trial.”
In Franz Kafka’s early 20th-century novel, a reputable bank clerk is caught up in a prosecutorial nightmare. The story of Joseph K. begins when court authorities suddenly arrive at his residence to tell him he’s to be indicted, but they can’t or won’t explain the exact nature of the charges against him.

Joseph K.’s accusers leave him with feelings of apprehension and anxiety. Throughout the novel, he struggles to defend himself within a hostile and complex legal process. At the end of the story, he’s led away to a summary execution. During the entire ordeal, the accused never really understands the reasons behind his mysterious prosecution.

This dark story about the destruction of an innocent man led to the term “Kafkaesque” entering the English language as a way to describe situations in which honorable people are threatened by unfounded allegations. Kafka had a special talent for identifying the convergence between reality and absurdity.

Bizarre Allegations About an American President​

A hundred years after “The Trial” was first published, the West has descended into an era in which absurd allegations are the new normal.

In the Rainbow Reichs of the Woke, witch hunting has become the order of the day.

One of the most notorious Kafkaesque events in modern history developed around the unforeseen political success of Donald J. Trump.

Over recent years, the man Americans elected as the 45th president—and his team members—has been subjected to more bizarre allegations, secret investigations, partisan impeachments, preposterous indictments, and prejudiced legal proceedings than even Franz Kafka could have imagined.

President Trump has endured some of the most savage and desperate partisan assaults in U.S. history. Despite it all, he has retained the loyalty of legions of ordinary citizens and is the leading candidate for reelection in 2024. Individuals throughout North America are praying that President Trump’s landslide win in Iowa will lead to a decisive victory for the “Make America Great Again Movement.”

Brutal Assaults on a Defenceless School Trustee​

At the national level in the United States and Canada, opinion polls are predicting a return to center-right common sense leadership.

But, at the level of civic, cultural, and educational governance, enraged neo-Marxists will hold on to their power by any means necessary.

The brutality of North America’s left was on display last year when a painful Kafkaesque episode occurred in the prairie city of Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Early in June, news outlets reported that Francine Champagne, an elected trustee of the Louis Riel School Division, was suspended for taking “inappropriate actions” relative to the “Trustee Code of Conduct.”

School Division authorities asserted that Ms. Champagne had breached a progressive code of conduct by expressing opposition to the hyper-sexualization of children in public schools. A complete account of the battering inflicted on Ms. Champagne can be found in my June 23, 2023, Epoch Times column and a Nov. 29 update from Lee Harding.

Essentially, Ms. Champagne’s accusers focused on memes she had shared on a restricted-access Facebook page. One of them read: “Make men masculine again. Make women feminine again. Make children innocent again.” Louis Riel School Division trustees voted to suspend Ms. Champagne without pay for three months. They said she threatened the school board’s commitment to “human sexual diversity.”

Parents who supported Ms. Champagne asserted that her objections to the ideological grooming of children are shared by millions of North American families. The dissident trustee believes she was elected in Ward 1 of the Louis Riel School Division to make a case for quality education and traditional values—actual literacy, not political literacy.

The case against Francine Champagne gained enormous momentum. In October, she received another 30-day suspension for declining to sign a so-called “code of conduct” agreement that would make it impossible for her to question the radical educational agenda she had challenged during her successful election campaign.

When another progressive investigator-in-search-of-a-crime discovered a casual online conversation in which Ms. Champagne had mentioned the stereotypical description of a familiar item on an Asian restaurant menu she was instantly charged with “racism.” Ms. Champagne was suspended for another three months and vilified by media organizations for demonstrating “abusive behavior.”

Late in November, Ms. Champagne reluctantly decided that she could no longer perform her duties as a school trustee for the Louis Riel School Division because her working environment had become unbearable.

As a result of the board’s allegations, she also lost her teaching contract at St. Boniface University. In a public letter, she finally concluded that “a school trustee who holds traditional views will not be tolerated.”

Kafkaesque Persecutions Must Be Challenged​

Few drag queen story hours feature in the novels of Franz Kafka, but the author’s insights remain valuable.

Kafka understood that corrupt authorities have the capacity to ruin almost anyone they disapprove of. “The Trial” shows how Orwellian legal institutions can isolate individuals, make them appear guilty, and render them helpless.

So far, President Trump has overcome the moral failures of the American judicial system, and he has an excellent chance of winning back the White House in 2024.

Donald T. isn’t likely to suffer the same fate as Kafka’s Joseph K.

Francine C.’s future is considerably less certain.

Without political support, financial resources, and professional help, challenges to the left by intrepid citizens are unlikely to continue.

That’s why the suffocating nature of our Kafkaesque culture must be forthrightly resisted by honorable men and women.
The Jan 6 investigation isn't done yet ..... Dems deleted a bunch of files that were supposed to be preserved ..... 2 days before Republicans took over the committee.

Yes. Him and son are both destructive little shits.

George Soros spoke fondly of delivering "get out and get on the train" letters to other jews in Germany during wwii. Says it was exciting.

That's where he developed his love of being the invisible hand behind destruction and death.

These two guys jerk off to pictures of dead bodies.
Soros, just like Clown Schwab are just lieutenants for the oligarchy.
This is why the ONLY way to defeat the agenda is our non-compliance.
Yet everyone is looking for a white knight to save them.... ah humanity
Soros, just like Clown Schwab are just lieutenants for the oligarchy.
This is why the ONLY way to defeat the agenda is our non-compliance.
Yet everyone is looking for a white knight to save them.... ah humanity

Yeah. Unfortunately we are all Clark Kent without the superman.
Soros, just like Clown Schwab are just lieutenants for the oligarchy.
This is why the ONLY way to defeat the agenda is our non-compliance.
Yet everyone is looking for a white knight to save them.... ah humanity
Actually Soros got his start working for the Rothschild Family according to sources online. They - Rothschild Family love the Soros Type. Before him the had Jacob Schiff which helped get Zionism pushed off and financed puched several things like the Japanese War and Communism - killing of Royal family in Russia. Plus build up of Japan.


National loans​

What is perhaps Schiff's most famous financial action took place during the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905). Schiff met with Takahashi Korekiyo, deputy governor of the Bank of Japan, in Paris in April 1904. Schiff agreed to extend loans to the Empire of Japan in the amount of $200 million (equivalent to $5.1 billion in 2022[10]), through Kuhn, Loeb & Co.[5] These loans were the first major flotation of Japanese bonds on Wall Street, and provided approximately half the funds needed for Japan's war effort.[11] Schiff made this loan in part because he believed gold was not as important as national effort and desire to win a war and due to the apparent underdog status of Japan at the time-a European empire had not yet been defeated by a non-Western nation, in a modern, full-scale war. It is quite likely Schiff also saw this loan as a means of answering, on behalf of the Jewish people for the antisemitic actions of the Russian Empire, specifically the recent Kishinev pogrom in 1903.”’’’ wiki and other sources

George Soros is the one that upset the apple cart in Ukraine back in Obama days.

War is very profittable
I hate to say this to you but Rothchilds, Rockefellers, Gateses, Bezoses, etc are all just high level lieutenants.
They most definitely play an important role, but they also take orders.
The topmost layer is European Old money (Banksters of Old Europe and families that actually ruled via their control of royal houses). I don't think we will ever know their names as they have gotten real good at ruling from the shadows and when things get hot, it is Governments (lowest level) and Lieutenants (higher level) that are sacrificed to divert attention and to make people feel "they won". They simply replace governments (easiest) and worst case top leutenants who continue to do their bidding (i.e. total control, and as i said, today, technology makes that wet dream of theirs actually possible but only if vast majority (99%) of people consent. Even 90% is not enough)
I hate to say this to you but Rothchilds, Rockefellers, Gateses, Bezoses, etc are all just high level lieutenants.
They most definitely play an important role, but they also take orders.
The topmost layer is European Old money (Banksters of Old Europe and families that actually ruled via their control of royal houses). I don't think we will ever know their names as they have gotten real good at ruling from the shadows and when things get hot, it is Governments (lowest level) and Lieutenants (higher level) that are sacrificed to divert attention and to make people feel "they won". They simply replace governments (easiest) and worst case top leutenants who continue to do their bidding (i.e. total control, and as i said, today, technology makes that wet dream of theirs actually possible but only if vast majority (99%) of people consent. Even 90% is not enough)
I know. They use to say the elites were 10 families and seen a name for 1 family never seen heard it again. They are the real shadow govt - rulers. Something else to note some of the ppl that call themselves jews are not. This goes back to the 6-8 century when they were forced to convert.

Jews claim not to be white until it suits their goals. What color is Netanyahu.? Just look what color is he? ?? Is he physically as white as for say, Bill Clinton?
I am not a fan of the whole "Jews this" "Jews that" agenda.
Jews have been had, just like everyone else, by the same people. The fact that some of them are "jewish" is not relevant to this discussion. (Because there is a shitload of non-jews in the powers that be)
Just look at the people of Israel - they have been thrown under the bus first by Covid Vaxx crime, and now they are in the grinder of another bankster war (together with their Arab counterparts in "Palestine").
I am not a fan of the whole "Jews this" "Jews that" agenda.
Jews have been had, just like everyone else, by the same people. The fact that some of them are "jewish" is not relevant to this discussion. (Because there is a shitload of non-jews in the powers that be)
Just look at the people of Israel - they have been thrown under the bus first by Covid Vaxx crime, and now they are in the grinder of another bankster war (together with their Arab counterparts in "Palestine").

what color is Netanyahu? Is he as white as Bill Clinton. You realize this is tied to transgender for sex male, female, or other too. It is delusional insane to say he is not white. ?? can Netanyahu be any color he wants? Can a man be a woman? I know some men can dress-act like a bitch but their butt hole can never ever pass as a vagina. ??

What color is Netanyahu? White? Clinton was noted as the first black President by some ppl.? He played the sax, got a bj in oval office and redefined definition of word “is” so he jumped back in line for more control. Reported Netanyahu offered him sex tapes for locked up Israel spy named Pollard. Amazingly no president pardoned Pollard and think he got out went to Israel to live….. You kind of need to know Monica was named as jewish. Do you think Monica learned to give sloppy head in the Mossad? That cigar trick was extra.? Bill said,‘ Did not have sexual relations. “ ??
So What did Netanyahu say?


Want to see another suspect Israeli spy used against Trump? Alexander Vindman ….. you kinda need to know he is jewish and was born in Ukraine. Imagine that.


Trump impeachment witness Alexander Vindman to ToI: America can handle the truth​

As the retired lieutenant colonel releases ‘Here, Right Matters: An American Story,’ he discusses growing up as a Ukrainian Jewish immigrant and the values that led him to testify​

By CATHRYN J. PRINCE3 November 2021
It was that predisposition for adventure and camaraderie that led Vindman into a lifetime of national service, including a tour in Iraq. And it was because of that service, which meant taking an oath to defend the United States Constitution, that the now-retired US Army lieutenant colonel felt duty-bound to report the phone call that led to former president Donald Trump’s first impeachment.
“I think it’s important to explain the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ of the events. The ‘why’ can be somewhat technical — presidential corruption, the way the president was undermining US national security rather than advancing it,” Vindman, 46, told The Times of Israel in a wide-ranging interview at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York shortly before he’d take the stage to discuss his new memoir, “Here, Right Matters: An American Story.””’’

AMERICA CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH. The Israeli Mossad were not sacked by Palestine gunmen in motorized paraglides claiming Israeli 9-11.
They Netanyahu knew.

It is to bad that linked article has to talk about jews and antisemitism so much So what is it that jews do to make them so unloved - how do they feed antisemitism? What could cause that huge mass level of antisemitism.? It is right there in that link. Vindman was mad because Trump went around them. He is Ukraine. He is Jewish. What is Zelensky - jewish? Rut ro… it kind of matters What is Rothschild What is Soro what was Jacob Schiff what is zionism and what is communism. ??

So what color is Netanyahu? If he were a tranny could he be a she? What if they pass laws where you have to address him as her. Will you? What if they pass laws against antisemitism where if you say Netanyahu it is like saying Beetlejuice for bad times?

Is Netanyahu white?

Jump back to Pollard what is this?

the movie Meatballs “It just doesn’t matter It just doesn’t matter”. Hahaha so….

Epstein was a jewish sex - slave trader - did not kill himself. These ppl self identified as jews. They are disliked because they jump into situations to fulfill the wishes of the hidden elite. Just need to toss a few shekel into the deal and they are there can never get enough. Greed. If glove does not fit must acquit but what happens when it does fit? Antisemitism if noticing the truth is guilt then I am guilty.

yes there are a lot of Zionist in christian churches - govt helping them. Most christians don’t know who the Pharisees were….so mass indoctrinated ignorance plays a big role in all of this too.

look up the word: KAPO …. all they had to do was not accept the job.
I'm actually impressed by all you guys ability to constantly post.

But I did always value quality over quantity.

And ability to stay on topic.

Oh well, the nice thing about having low expectations is you are seldom disappointed.
I am not a fan of the whole "Jews this" "Jews that" agenda.
Jews have been had, just like everyone else, by the same people. The fact that some of them are "jewish" is not relevant to this discussion. (Because there is a shitload of non-jews in the powers that be)
Just look at the people of Israel - they have been thrown under the bus first by Covid Vaxx crime, and now they are in the grinder of another bankster war (together with their Arab counterparts in "Palestine").

May I ask what agenda?
Who will Trump appoint as his DOJ.

Will they be as nasty or more so then: Janet Reno, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Merrick Garland

Trump will need a nasty one to put all these ppl in prison real quick then get the law changed to get re-elected for 2028.
I always thought Trump should have picked Rudy Giuliani since he went after mob in NY. But he picked a weasel named Bill Barr.
Who will make a good DOJ to throw all these Leftist in Prison?

We know Trump is going to win 2024 or get WW3 and Nuke War on us by Biden. We need to start planning now and building new prisons just till the gas chambers are installed. We will make sure we use green energy too. Make some soap and lamp shades.
Any ideas who needs to be arrested first?
I guess we need to get Chauvin out of prison and back in uniform so he can do the arrest. Send Kyle Rittenhouse with him.
Who will Trump appoint as his DOJ.

Will they be as nasty or more so then: Janet Reno, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Merrick Garland

Trump will need a nasty one to put all these ppl in prison real quick then get the law changed to get re-elected for 2028.
I always thought Trump should have picked Rudy Giuliani since he went after mob in NY. But he picked a weasel named Bill Barr.
Who will make a good DOJ to throw all these Leftist in Prison?

We know Trump is going to win 2024 or get WW3 and Nuke War on us by Biden. We need to start planning now and building new prisons just till the gas chambers are installed. We will make sure we use green energy too. Make some soap and lamp shades.
Any ideas who needs to be arrested first?
I guess we need to get Chauvin out of prison and back in uniform so he can do the arrest. Send Kyle Rittenhouse with him.
You mean Attorney General?
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