diy solar

diy solar


Click on the pic at the top of the page to view the documentary. When watching the documentary ask yourself who the over 200 undercover FBI assets were ..... who were the one doing the key breaches of barricades?

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That is completely in line with how the FBI works.

They frame people who aren't too bright. They groom them for months and then get them to do something stupid they can be charged with.

It's their specialty.

Very few people know this.
In 2020 True the Vote filed complaints about the voter rolls in Georgia ..... Via computer analysis, they had found almost 40,000 voters registered in Georgia who's mailing address didn't match their voter registration and they filed grievances to try to get the voter rolls cleaned up.
Immediately a Dem backed organization ... Fair Fight Inc ..... filed suit against True the Vote to cease and desist their activity. (The Dems always name their organizations the opposite of their actual purpose.

It took almost 3 years for this case to wrap up .... and it was found in favor of True the Vote.

I have no idea if they ever managed to get the voter rolls cleaned up, but ..... for some reason .... the Dems were enraged that they were trying to do that.

Go to hell Bob.
Oh wait, you are already in hell. You live in Russia
Go to hell Bob.
Oh wait, you are already in hell. You live in Russia

Another typical response from someone who had no credibility and refuses to be informed ..... Just re-invent yourself with a new forum name and be done with it .... Murphy
This article is pretty good.
While I dont support any politician, the part about Biden cheating is 100% true.

As if this scary new virus just snuffs you out mid-step to topple backwards flat on the ground in a perfect silent movie pratfall.

And it’s not just “Covid”.

During the run-up to the 2020 election “pretending badly” was happening everywhere.

We were told, over and over again, “It’s going to look like Trump won, but then Biden will win at the last minute because of postal ballots”.

And gosh darnit – they were right!

Out of nowhere Joe Biden – ‘Creepy Uncle Joe’ – who in early 2020 was obviously the least popular democratic candidate, and even more obviously going senile – is transmogrified into the most popular presidential candidate


…shattering the popular vote records by over 13 million votes.

Such is the power of bad pretending , when you just don’t give a crap about plausibility or boring details of historical precedent.

That was, of course, following Biden’s “miracle turnaround” in the primaries, where massive defeats in Iowa and New Hampshire left his campaign “teetering on the abyss”.

On election night they presented us with badly pretend graphs like this:

They reported that counting the first 99% of the vote took a few hours, and that counting the last 1% in a couple of swing states took two weeks.

…and told us this was all totally normal and that anyone who said otherwise was an “election denier”.

On January 6th 2021 they showed you an “insurrection” – a word that used to mean “an armed attempt to seize control of a government by force” but now means “some guy in a Buffalo hat putting his feet on Nancy Pelosi’s desk”.

Then they told you to be afraid for the fate of a “democracy” which their previously blatant election-rigging had just demonstrated does not exist.

Bad pretending at its most brazenly ballsy.

Let’s be honest the airwaves have been saturated with this since at least 2020.

Remember those lovable doctors and nurses shooting increasingly elaborate music videos during a supposedly deadly pandemic.

Or doctors saying BLM protesters don’t have to stay home or social distance because “racism is a worse pandemic”.

Blatantly bad pretending.
This article is pretty good.
While I dont support any politician, the part about Biden cheating is 100% true.

As if this scary new virus just snuffs you out mid-step to topple backwards flat on the ground in a perfect silent movie pratfall.

And it’s not just “Covid”.

During the run-up to the 2020 election “pretending badly” was happening everywhere.

We were told, over and over again, “It’s going to look like Trump won, but then Biden will win at the last minute because of postal ballots”.

And gosh darnit – they were right!

Out of nowhere Joe Biden – ‘Creepy Uncle Joe’ – who in early 2020 was obviously the least popular democratic candidate, and even more obviously going senile – is transmogrified into the most popular presidential candidate


…shattering the popular vote records by over 13 million votes.

Such is the power of bad pretending , when you just don’t give a crap about plausibility or boring details of historical precedent.

That was, of course, following Biden’s “miracle turnaround” in the primaries, where massive defeats in Iowa and New Hampshire left his campaign “teetering on the abyss”.

On election night they presented us with badly pretend graphs like this:

View attachment 187462
They reported that counting the first 99% of the vote took a few hours, and that counting the last 1% in a couple of swing states took two weeks.

…and told us this was all totally normal and that anyone who said otherwise was an “election denier”.

On January 6th 2021 they showed you an “insurrection” – a word that used to mean “an armed attempt to seize control of a government by force” but now means “some guy in a Buffalo hat putting his feet on Nancy Pelosi’s desk”.

Then they told you to be afraid for the fate of a “democracy” which their previously blatant election-rigging had just demonstrated does not exist.

Bad pretending at its most brazenly ballsy.

Let’s be honest the airwaves have been saturated with this since at least 2020.

Remember those lovable doctors and nurses shooting increasingly elaborate music videos during a supposedly deadly pandemic.

Or doctors saying BLM protesters don’t have to stay home or social distance because “racism is a worse pandemic”.

Blatantly bad pretending.

Fake social media accounts in favor of the leftist stuff.

However, don't underestimate the abortion issue. That drew a lot of morons out if the wood work.

And of course, those same midterms also showed that people liked lockdowns. They did not "kick the bums out".
It's actually pretty amazing that the media has managed to do a total blackout about the ELECTION FRAUD EVIDENCE Trump released in his document detailing irregularities in the swing state votes.
The document shows state by state how there was enough fraud in the swing states to change the outcome of the election.

Normally, there would be a legion of bogus fact checkers jumping all over something like this and the Dems would all be wailing and waving their arms .... They have adopted a different strategy .... ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist.

The evidence is SO strong it can't be refuted, and therefor must be ignored.

Even the trolls on here here are totally ignoring this document ... no attempts whatsoever to try to debunk it. To me, that indicates 2 things.
1. The facts in this document are so iron clad they can't be debunked.
2. The trolls on this thread are "connected" to the media propaganda machine .... otherwise they would have been whining about it also.

The election fraud document I'm talking about is this one ....

.... and it starts off like this.


So, if anyone sees the bogus claim that there is NO EVIDENCE of fraud in the 2020 election ....just give them a copy of this document.
Wow where are the mods? Some ppl have been very uncivil to bob. Cussed Bob and called him bad names. Is that being Civil?

my last ban was 6 months for not being civil. Why are some ppl on here rated special and can be uncivil to ppl like Bob?
Do the mods hate Bob and allow uncivil post to him? Where is SuperVsTech? He likes to ban ppl.

RULES ARE RULES where are the mods to do the banning for these unruley offenders? As minimum ppl should know their accusers when banned. That way we can guess if they are using multiple accounts with THEIR VPN ??

RULES ARE RULES. BLM ANTIFA RIOTS mostly peaceful. J6 oh what a stain on democracy.
Wow where are the mods? Some ppl have been very uncivil to bob. Cussed Bob and called him bad names. Is that being Civil?

my last ban was 6 months for not being civil. Why are some ppl on here rated special and can be uncivil to ppl like Bob?
Do the mods hate Bob and allow uncivil post to him? Where is SuperVsTech? He likes to ban ppl.

RULES ARE RULES where are the mods to do the banning for these unruley offenders? As minimum ppl should know their accusers when banned. That way we can guess if they are using multiple accounts with THEIR VPN ??

RULES ARE RULES. BLM ANTIFA RIOTS mostly peaceful. J6 oh what a stain on democracy.
View attachment 187628

Take your licks like a man and move on

The moderators here do a great job and in this environment, we are lucky to have this essentially unmoderated portion of this forum to discuss and share topics that get you banned from any other platform.
Actually X has opened up a lot. Thanks to Elon Musk.
there are several platforms ppl can talk. I have used them too.

what if the other person trying to “lick“ me is a man. ? is that “homophobia?“ Or since have been to the ministry of love - should I just lay back and enjoy it? ????? love is love

This section is modded for some ppl. The problem with society now is trying to protect and elevate one group over another but then saying we are all equal. That is insanity and a lie.
Actually X has opened up a lot. Thanks to Elon Musk.
there are several platforms ppl can talk. I have used them too.

what if the other person trying to “lick“ me is a man. ? is that “homophobia?“ Or since have been to the ministry of love - should I just lay back and enjoy it? ????? love is love

This section is modded for some ppl. The problem with society now is trying to protect and elevate one group over another but then saying we are all equal. That is insanity and a lie.

I got banned from X.
I think we can agree that the chit chat zone is WAY more entertaining with D71 in it.

I haven't been keeping up with nothing other than occasionally reading stuff you guys post on here.

You guys are now my News source!
Want to see what the ADL said about Trump over on X? Does anyone know History of ADL and who Leo Frank was? Why does ADL get free reign on X? Elon Musk did make 1 of their ppl mad too. ??
