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diy solar


I posted same in another thread ?? Kind of interesting. none of them should have run against trump. Not 1. Nikki Haley if picked for VP by Trump will prove if he is bought or not.

The machine wants Nikki Haley
I posted same in another thread ?? Kind of interesting. none of them should have run against trump. Not 1. Nikki Haley if picked for VP by Trump will prove if he is bought or not.

The machine wants Nikki Haley
I REALLY hope he doesn't pick her. Maybe someone like Ben Carson.
She's going to stick it out in New Hampshire .... but, will she risk being crushed in her home state of South Carolina?
Rand Paul on Nikki Haley"

“I’m not yet ready to make a decision, but I am ready to make a decision on someone who I can not support. I am announcing this morning that I am Never Nikki. If you go to, you can let her know that you’re not a supporter either,” he said.

“I don’t think any informed or knowledgeable libertarian or conservative should support Nikki Haley. I have seen her attitude towards our interventions overseas, and I’ve seen her involvement in the military-industrial complex. $8 million being paid to become part of the team, but I’ve also seen her indicate that she thinks you should be registered to use the internet — people posting ideas anonymously,” the senator said.

“I think she fails to understand that our republic was founded upon people like Ben Franklin, Sam Adams, Madison, John Jay, and others who, for fear of the government, posted routinely anonymously. I think her failure to really understand that, or to think that you should register through the government somehow for the internet, is something that should disqualify her in the minds of all libertarian-leaning conservatives,” he said.
This and only this. This statement right here is probably the best thing ever posted on the internet.
not best but truest.
I 100% agree for 1st amendment rights supporting all the idiots supporting trump here to express their opinion.
I 100% agree that my 1st amendment rights says calling them out them out rightfully for what they are.. idiots needs to be used.
not best but truest.
I 100% agree for 1st amendment rights supporting all the idiots supporting trump here to express their opinion.
I 100% agree that my 1st amendment rights says calling them out them out rightfully for what they are.. idiots needs to be used.
Free speech to a trump lover;
Anyone is free to say whatever they want as long as trump supporters are free to shoot them if they don’t like it.
Freedom of the press to a trump lover;
Any media outlet is free to publish anything they want as long as it is approved by trump
2nd amendment to a trump supporters;
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of Donald Trump, the right of trump supporters to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Here's Where Democracy's Dying​

Proceeding to remove Trump from the ballot initiated by states or citizens' lawsuits are based on a Civil War-era constitutional amendment that disqualifies government officials who engaged in insurrection from holding office.

In total, Statista's Katharina Buchholz, using data from The New York Times, has counted 35 states where efforts to block Trump from the ballot 'in order to save Democracy' have been underway.

Infographic: Challenges to Trump's Inclusion on Primary Ballots | Statista

You will find more infographics at Statista

As of Thursday, the newspaper listed 17 as having been dismissed and, considering the Supreme Court's makeup, said that it was likely that Trump would appear on ballots after all.

A lawsuit against Trump's ballot inclusion was just dismissed last week in Washington state.

“This has the potential to tear our nation apart if left unchecked,” Missouri Republican Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft said in a statement.
Ashcroft led a group of 11 state election officials (secretaries of state from Alabama, Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, Tennessee and West Virginia joined Ashcroft) in submitting an amicus or “friend of the court” brief “in support of neither party,” according to the document.

Ashcroft’s coalition argues in a 26-page document the U.S. Constitution doesn’t empower a state official to disqualify candidates for federal office.

The brief also states historical precedent doesn’t give secretaries of state any power to disqualify a candidate under the Constitution.
I dont think they are really worried about Trump.
They are worried because they know they overplayed their hand, and they are working hard to put legal precedent to oppress the proles that resist in the future. They really are afraid of the proles, especially of the proles with no chicken on the plate. This is why so much money and effort is devoted to propaganda.
Mostly peaceful Summer of Love where a city was captured and declared no longer part of the USA.
Over the death of a career criminal being acted upon for criminal activity then dying from ingesting his own drugs for an over dose. Good ridden. Chauvin should be taken out of prison and made into a national hero. Imagine when he was sentenced he rose and allowed hand cuffs to be placed on himself with no fighting or resisting. Hmmmmm …… that is the difference between an innocent man operating within police dept policy and a career criminal.
Free Chauvin
I'm no fan of Trump the person - his insults are childish [much like the left-leaning posters here], his speeches are repetitive and ego driven, and quite often the things he says are cringe-worthy.

That said, if it is a choice between Biden [who has done more to harm the US than Putin has] and Biden, I will vote for Trump.

By the way, notice how Biden is suddenly saying that there is a border crisis and he is ready to do something about it? I guess his handlers finally looked at the polls and realized that the rest of America understands that importing millions of government-dependent poor people won't be good for their entitlements going forward.
By the way, notice how Biden is suddenly saying that there is a border crisis and he is ready to do something about it? I guess his handlers finally looked at the polls and realized that the rest of America understands that importing millions of government-dependent poor people won't be good for their entitlements going forward.

Or, they have funneled a satisfactory amount of people across and will continue to do so until before the election when the real trouble will begin.

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diy solar